Dear Dr. vs Hi vs none in E-mail communication [closed]
Now I have a situation where I think it is a bit silly to write each time Dear Dr. Lastname. For example: I send him question. Dear Dr. Lastname, question here. Kind Regards, FirstName …
Is it appropriate to say "hi" to a professor in email?
2017年8月2日 · No salutation - 6 "Dr. X," - 4 "Professor X," - 3 "Hello Dr. X," - 2 "Hi Professor," "Dear Dr. X," "Hello," "Hello Dr. X!" "Hello again Dr. X!" So based on this small and unscientific …
How do junior faculty in the U.S. normally address senior faculty in ...
2015年7月6日 · Junior faculty would be no less invited to familiar address. Whether you say "Hi, Name" or just dive into communication is often a matter of personal style and communication …
etiquette - Should I still use "Dear Prof." to begin an email to a ...
2015年10月1日 · "Hi Dr. John" works perfectly well, it shows respect for his accomplishments while being friendly. Basic rule: Use the same greeting you would if you unexpectedly met …
How to politely begin an email to a professor and a doctor?
2014年11月2日 · Hi guys, If I did not know either of them, on the other hand, and was writing a letter to a University in Australia, I'd write this: Dear Dr. Super, Prof. Faculty, There is nothing …
Is it impolite to say hello to a doctor as "Hi, First Name"?
2018年5月26日 · Thirty years ago, ‘Hi, First Name’ addressed to a medical doctor (or, for that matter, anybody else that one does not know well) would have been shockingly improper. …
Usage of 'Hi' and 'Dear' in Formal Communication [closed]
If you know the recipient's title, then starting the conversation "Dear Mr/Ms/Dr/(whatever) Surname" is unlikely to be wrong. I have been known to use "Dear Firstname Surname" but …
Why do some people say "My name is Doctor / Dr. X" instead of …
2015年1月5日 · Here it's (still) common to see some people using their academic/professional title in introductions: "Hi, I'm Doctor / Dr. / Eng. X". However, when watching some videos from …
Usage of "Hi" and "hi" in a letter/mail - English Language & Usage ...
2011年4月12日 · However, there are some settings where a "hi xyz" is acceptable---namely, when the entire email is in lower case (as is often the case when sys admins and other hacker …
advisor - Word choice for salutation in a formal email to your PhD ...
2016年4月12日 · Writing "Hi X, I am stuck with doing Y, I was going about it the way you told me to do in our last meeting yesterday, but this yields strange results", is preferable over "Dear …