英文邮件,不要一开头就错了! - 知乎专栏
上一篇文章,我们介绍了邮件开头 Dear, Hi 和Hello的区别。本周我们重点讨论一下Dear,Hi或者Hello后面的称呼该怎么表达呢? 为了方便,这里我们默认邮件开头都用Hi, 为什么用Hi呢?其实前一篇文章已经说的很清楚了,欧美国家的内部邮件一般都用Hi.
Do You Use a Comma with Dear, Hello, and Hi? - Grammar Monster
Do use a comma after the words like "Hello," "Hi," or "Good morning." There is no comma after the word "Dear" when it is used at the start of a letter or an email. You should, however, use a comma after the salutation. For example: Thanks for paying for dinner last night. Thank you for your comments on Apollo 11.
在英文邮件开头用 Hello 和 Hi 哪个更正式? - 知乎
你和对方见面T恤仔裤就可以,就说Hi John,Hi Mary, 如果你和对方穿着背心也可以见面,就写Hey John好了。 如果你和对方干脆光着膀子就能见面,写什么都是多余了。
How to punctuate 'Hi, John' as an email greeting
2020年11月23日 · How to punctuate 'Hi, John' as an email greeting. Hi John, How many emails and other correspondence are punctuated exactly that way, with no comma after “hi” but a comma after “John”? Most, it seems. This form is so common that it’s become acceptable. Use it if you like. But if you want to get really technical, there’s a better way.
職場英語:5 個必學英文信件開頭範例
Hi John, Dear John, 如果要挑一個,我建議 Hi, 或是 Hi [名字],有些人覺得 Dear 老氣(我是覺得還好)但無論如何,用 Hi 最保險,保證不會錯。
Where Do You Place the Comma in ‘Hi John ... - One Minute English
When you address someone with the salutation “Hi John” at the beginning of a letter or an email, you should put a comma in between the words “hi” and “John.” To properly address John, the greeting should be “Hi, John.” This is an exception to the customary practice of including a comma after the word “dear” in a greeting.
"Hi John," 和 "Hey John" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
No difference! Politeness-wise it would be "Hello John". "Hi" and "Hey" might be seen as impolite in a formal setting. Both are fine with friends though! (If I really had to pick one, I'd say 'hi' is more polite.)
"Hi! I'm John!" 和 "Hello! I'm John!" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
I'm John!They mean the same thing but the word hi is used more casually, like if you are taking to s friend or family member. Hello is more often used professionally, like when applying for a job, greying a new client, so on.
Dear和Hi哪个更适合商务邮件开头? - 知乎
Dear Sir/Madam/Mr/Mrs/Miss X > Dear given name > Hello Sir/Madam/Mr/Mrs/Miss X > Hello given name > Hi .... 都可以,在我与外国人来往的邮件中,客户发过来的这两种开头都有.
Is it “Hi John, “ or “Hi, John”? Linkedln suggests the ... - Reddit
2022年8月25日 · "Hello, John!" or "Hi, John" is how you would punctuate the complete statement of a greeting. So, for example, the first page of a website would say "Hi, John" the same way it might say "Welcome back, John."