Stream audiophile-grade power from any source. Precise, high-performance loudspeakers built with revolutionary KEF technology. Encapsulating KEF’s innovative technologies that bring you closer to the movies and music you love. Designed for listening to music today - all the convenience of digital with the depth of true HiFi.
Hi-Fi Speakers & Headphones | KEF International
Stream audiophile-grade power from any source. Precise, high-performance loudspeakers built with revolutionary KEF technology. Encapsulating KEF’s innovative technologies that bring you closer to the movies and music you love. Designed for listening to music today - all the convenience of digital with the depth of true HiFi.
KEF的音响怎么样?属于什么档次的音响? - 知乎
很遗憾,KEF的“科学Hi-Fi”基因跟LS 3/5A关系真的不大。 我们的故事要追溯到KEF创始人Raymond Cooke身上,他在二战中担任过英国皇家海军的无线电报务员——二战中无线电和水 …
音響喇叭系統及無線耳機 | 網上商店 | KEF 台灣
經典再現:KEF 1969 年原創的 Concerto 的精神在 Q Concerto Meta 再展風華,採用三音路設計並搭載創新技術 Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™),令人矚目。 最完美的揚聲器系統。 從任何訊號源傳送發燒級功率。 搭載革命性的 KEF 技術打造精準、高效能的揚聲器。 採用 KEF 的創新技術,讓您更近距離地欣賞自己喜歡的影片和音樂。 專為聆聽現今的音樂而設計 - 不僅具有數位音樂的便利性,而且具有真正高傳真音樂的深度。 透過創新技術呈現出品質如一的 …
KEF音响他们的黑科技有哪些? - 知乎
KEF LSX II在连接方式上可以说是做到了极致,即可以很简单,也能满足Hi-End的折腾。 不仅有USB-C、AUX、数字光纤、HDMI等有线连接方式,还加入了对蓝牙、WiFi等多种无线连接方式和AirPlay、ROON等多种串流方式的支持。
無線音響喇叭揚聲器 | 網上商店 | KEF 香港
這款小巧無線 HiFi 音箱系統由KEF 的 Music Integrity Engine 和標誌性 Uni-Q 同軸共點單元提供動力,展現無與倫比的音質清晰度。 傾力打造的 EGG Duo 數碼音響系統,為迎合您各種音樂聆聽需要而設。 時尚機身體積小巧,搭載多項先進音響技術,最適合用作欣賞音樂、電影、電視節目,甚或讓您追求緊張刺激的遊戲實感。 此外,提供多達 5 款色彩斑斕的潮流造型可選,EGG Duo 絕對能讓您盡顯型格。 無論您想要提升便利性還是更多連接選擇,我們都有合適的配件來滿足您 …
KEF | HiFI Speakers | KEF EU
For over 50 years, KEF’s HiFi speakers and innovative technologies have brought listeners closer to the music they love. KEF sets new standards with icons such as Blade and Reference Series, and has class-leading models across our wide range.
KEF | HiFi Speakers | KEF 台灣
For over 50 years, KEF’s Hi-Fi speakers and innovative technologies have brought listeners closer to the music they love. KEF sets new standards with icons such as Blade and the Reference Series, and has class-leading models across our wide range.
HiFi Speakers collection page | KEF Hong Kong
KEF’s HiFi speakers and innovative technologies have brought listeners closer to the music they love. We set new standards with iconic speaker ranges such as Blade and The Reference and have class-leading models across our entire selection.
HiFi スピーカー & HiFi ヘッドフォン | 日本 Online Store | KEF 日本
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