Freak、 Geek、Nerd之间的区别是怎样?如何用最近接的中文区译 …
A "nerd" is someone who is overly interested in some subject in a way that is detrimental to his or her life. You can be a nerd about anything, though it's easiest to be a nerd about technology. Being too much of a nerd is associated with a lack of interest in other important life areas and incompetence at dealing with the opposite sex.
Nerd vs. Jock:美国校园文化里的“鄙视链” - 知乎专栏
从《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)、《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)到《头号玩家》(Ready Player One),我们的文化总是在塑造讨人喜欢的Nerd形象:他们害羞敏感,但内心丰富;他们看上去软弱无力,却是充满勇气和正义感的英雄。
Hi! I'm Neal. This is where I make stuff on the web. Obligatory links: Games, visualizations, interactives and other weird stuff.
英文 nerd 一词最早出现在1950年Dr.Seuss所著的《 If I Ran the Zoo 》一书中。 是 英语 中一个含贬义的用语,一般指偏爱钻研书本知识,将大量闲暇用于读书,而不愿或不善于参加群体性 体育活动 或其他 社会活动 的人。
为什么在中国学习好的人会被称为「学霸」,在美国却被挤兑为「nerd …
2017年1月31日 · 首先,nerd就是一个贬义词,这个词现在在美国非常常见,就是用来表示对于academic的学生的不屑和贬低(现在这个词泛滥到不止是说死读书的学生,甚至任何学生,只要说出“我不想去聚会,我要写作业”这种话都会被说nerd)
Hi Nerd! – Smart Finance for Your Financial Freedom
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Hi Nerd! (@hinerd.store) • Instagram photos and videos
26 Followers, 3 Following, 6 Posts - Hi Nerd! (@hinerd.store) on Instagram: "Cultura Tech e Geek para todos aqueles que amam exclusivos! ⚔️🎮 Entregamos tudo que você precisa em um só clique! . . .
김필립 (@hi_nerd__) • Instagram photos and videos
514 Followers, 371 Following, 17 Posts - 김필립 (@hi_nerd__) on Instagram: ""
#hi nerd on Tumblr
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Hi Nerd [Pocket News]
O HINERD conclama os nerds de plantão para solucionar uma eterna dúvida: qual marca de plava de video dá mais alegria aos seus utilizadores ? a NVIDIA ou a AMD/ATI ? É claro que nós... Esse video ensina o que vc deve fazer com sua placa de video antiga em 2011 ... FELIZ 2011 EM 3D PARA TODOS OS NERDs DESSE PAíS !!!! &nb...
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