Eat & Drink | Hiyu Wine Farm
Friday through Sunday with seatings from 12:00pm to 2:00pm for $150 per person: This five-course lunch celebrates the bounty of the garden and includes a seasonally attuned tasting of …
Hiyu Wine Farm | Hood River, Oregon
Gather at the table in the heart of Hiyu, where plates and wines intersect with animal voices and the din of insects to weave an enchanting fabric of sensations and flavors.
Join | Hiyu Wine Farm
The Understory is a subscription-based community that supports our endeavors at Hiyu. It provides you with monthly wine releases, discounts, and priority admission to Wine Tavern …
Contact | Hiyu Wine Farm
3890 Acree Dr, Hood River, OR 97031. Email: [email protected]; [email protected], or [email protected].
Wine Archive | Hiyu Wine Farm
Past or sold-out Hiyu, Smockshop, and Tzum wines that record a distinct moment in time, comprising variety, climate, culture, and terrain.
About - Hiyu Wine Farm
Twenty-two miles from Mount Hood’s snowy peak, in an alpine river valley teeming with birds and oscillating light, lives a wild farm.
Shipping Policy - Hiyu Wine Farm
We are compliant and can currently ship to the following states: CA, IL, OR, MN, WA, CO, TX, FL, NY, DC, CT, NC, SC, MA, and NH. If you are looking for our wine internationally, please …
Symbols of Hiyu: Hawthorn — Hiyu
2021年6月29日 · At Hiyu, the hedgerow lines our upper fence line. When we arrived, it was already populated with hawthorn and oak trees. As we began working in the vines, we …
Tomato Conserva (à la Alain Passard at Hiyu) — Hiyu
2021年10月8日 · Pour the slightest amount of good olive oil into a non-reactive, heavy-bottomed pan that’s just big enough to accommodate the cut tomatoes. Use just enough olive oil to …
Tales - Hiyu
Hiyu cultivates wildness; cares for plants, animals, and people; and offers dining experiences that entwine nature and culture.