HiPer SR - Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.
Providing leading edge technology in a smart, rugged design, the new HiPer SR with optional Cellular configuration adds possibilities to your job site. With an integrated cellular modem, the new HiPer SR becomes an extended GNSS range site receiver and can be used in a variety of setup including MAGNET Relay, Network, and LongLinkTM.
HiPer SR - Advanced, ultra-compact and productive | Topcon …
From decades of Topcon GNSS evolution, the HiPer SR is simplified for all the right reasons. Daily setup routines are made easy through the HiPer SR's LongLink intelligence feature. More than just a wireless Bluetooth connection, LongLink serves to automatically connect multiple HiPer SR rovers to your mobile base.
HiPer SR – a compact lightweight receiver that is built to take the most intense environmental conditions and job site punishment. In addition to ruggedness, the HiPer SR is the most versatile, configurable, compact receiver system available. Use just two units in many configurations, depending on the demands of the project site.
The HiPer SR delivers world‐class positioning and navigation capability to your application by tracking signals from multi‐constellation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, and SBAS. Topcon offers two models of the HiPer SR receiver: Basic and Cellular.
HiPer SR | Topcon Positioning
This entry-level GNSS solution is ideal for interference-free, short-range, wireless communication between base and rover. With an optional, internal, dual-SIM cellular modem the HiPer SR can also be used as a MAGNET Relay mobile base, adding flexibility to your portfolio for your various project scenarios.
小型・軽量のHiPer SRは、天候や時間を気にすることなく1人で手軽に測量が可能です。 1日の作業を余裕でこなす長時間バッテリーを採用。 防塵防水性能JIS保護等級IP67に準拠。 ボディは衝撃に強いマグネシウム合金を採用!道具のように扱える頑丈さです。 *機器間の障害物その他の環境条件により変化する可能性があります。 受信機に内蔵されているBluetooth ®クラス1を利用して、RTK観測が行えます。 観測範囲は半径約300m*をカバー。 固定局1局につき、移動 …
簡単、便利、低価格!視通の悪い現場でも1人で簡単に測位できる土木専用GNSS受信機「HiPer SR …
2013年3月25日 · 株式会社トプコン(本社:東京都板橋区、取締役社長:内田 憲男)は、小型・軽量の土木専用2周波GNSS受信機「HiPer SR」を発売いたします。 HiPer SRは、小型・軽量かつ強靭なボディに必要な機能を全て集約し、ケーブルレスで RTK観測 が行えます。
HiPer SR "Extended Range Site Receiver" | TOPCON Positioning …
HiPer SR brings an innovative combination of compact, lightweight, environmentally sealed, rugged and cable free design. It is guaranteed to survive a 2m on the pole drop to concrete. When compared to any other RTK receiver available today, the Fence Antenna™ technology provides more robust, cleaner signal tracking which means unparalleled results.
The HiPer SR makes the perfect, affordable, small GIS data collection system. Use the HiPer SR with a Network DGPS or WAAS correction for submeter applications like natural resources and environmental projects.
HiPer SR GNSS Receiver - GeoShack - North America's Largest …
The Topcon HiPer SR is an entry-level receiver that tracks both GPS and GLONASS satellites. Like all Topcon receivers, it is made in the USA with a durable aluminum alloy shell and IP67 waterproof rating.
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