GenSeq Hi-C建库试剂盒
2021年10月28日 · Hi-C技术是一种强大的全基因组染色体构象捕获技术,能够在kb分辨率表征染色质折叠。 Genseq Hi-C Kit提供了一种稳定、简单、快速,具有低细胞数量要求,能够在不到2天的时间内从交联细胞生成高质量的Hi-C NGS文库。 本试剂盒周期短操作简单,首先纯化细胞核(甲醛固定染色质构象),限制性内切酶消化DNA,开放的DNA末端用生物素标记,然后连接。 通过对Hi-C连接产物进行配对测序,可以识别出大量来自空间紧密相关的DNA链的嵌合序列。 两 …
EpiTect Hi-C Kit (US) - QIAGEN
The EpiTect Hi-C Kit offers a robust, yet simple and fast, protocol with low cell input requirements that enables generation of high-quality Hi-C Illumina NGS libraries from cross-linked cells in less than 2 days.
Genome-Wide HiC – Arima Genomics
The Arima Genome-Wide HiC+ Kit and workflow is ideal for understanding gene regulation and epigenetic mechanisms. Identify all structural elements in the genome, including …
HiTrap Capto HIC selection kit - Cytiva
The Capto hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) selection kit has a set of five 1 mL ready-to-use HiTrap columns for resin screening and small-scale protein purification. The HiTrap Capto HIC selection kit is useful in process development or research applications.
Amazon.com : HIC Kit (HIC Kit) : Sports & Outdoors
High-quality Root HIC Kits eliminate the need for lengthy scooter-surgery and let the rider get back to what’s REALLY important - riding! 📃 HOW-TO USE. This HIC Kit is used with any SCS/HIC-compatible fork, as well as a pair of Oversized pro scooter bars.
ARIMA-HIC KIT价格_品牌:Arima Genomics-丁香通官网
2024年4月13日 · 丁香通为您提供Arima GenomicsARIMA-HIC KIT价格等详细信息,产品供应商为北京孚博生物科技有限公司,产品类别为试剂-化学试剂,货号是 A510008。 如需批量采购,还请访问丁香通官网。
Selection kit for HIC resins in HiTrap columns - Cytiva
HiTrap HIC Selection Kit is designed for rapid screening for the most appropriate hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) resin and experimental conditions. High likelihood of finding suitable HIC resin – contains seven different resins.
HiC Full Kit - Root Industries
HiC Kit perfect for use with almost all HiC setups! Fits any HiC compatible fork and oversize HiC bar. The shim stands 50mm tall with a 30mm compression bolt to reach your forks!
Hydrophobic interaction resins - Cytiva
Cytiva offers a range of hydrophobic resins that use these ligands. How do I know which HIC resin to choose? Select hydrophobic resins based on the hydrophobicity of your target biomolecules. We offer screening and selection kits to help you choose an appropriate resin for high flow, capacity, and resolution.
HIC Kit - Apex Pro Scooters
The Apex HIC Kit is a simple design that is made to last. This oversize clamp is the best product for riders looking to go big. Featuring two high quality M6 bolts, matching anodised HIC shim and laser etched Apex Logo, this clamp is the perfect addition to your setup.