Hi-C (genomic analysis technique) - Wikipedia
Similar to the classic 3C technique, Hi-C measures the frequency (as an average over a cell population) at which two DNA fragments physically associate in 3D space, linking chromosomal structure directly to the genomic sequence. [4] .
Hi-C: a comprehensive technique to capture the conformation of ... - PubMed
We describe a method, Hi-C, to comprehensively detect chromatin interactions in the mammalian nucleus. This method is based on Chromosome Conformation Capture, in which chromatin is crosslinked with formaldehyde, then digested, and re-ligated in such a way that only DNA fragments that are covalently …
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Hi-C Analysis: Practical guidelines
Currently, there are two 3C-based methods to obtain genome-wide chromatin interaction data: Hi-C and 3C-seq. In the Hi-C protocol one includes a step to introduce biotinylated nucleotides at ligation junctions which enables specific purification of …
Guide to Hi-C & Related Methods - Active Motif
2020年4月20日 · Many of the issues that plague the chromosome conformation capture methods can be avoided by thoughtful and careful choice of method. Choosing a method in line with the goals of a study goes a long way towards generating clean and useful datasets. Here, we outline a basic comparison of the more commonly used chromosome capture methods. Hi-C vs. 3C
Comparison of computational methods for Hi-C data analysis
2017年6月12日 · Hi-C is a genome-wide sequencing technique used to investigate 3D chromatin conformation inside the nucleus. Computational methods are required to analyze Hi-C data and identify chromatin...
利用疏水相互作用色谱(HIC)分析抗体偶联药物(ADC) - 知乎
疏水相互作用色谱 (HIC) 是一种蛋白质分离、纯化和表征的传统技术。 随着抗体偶联药物 (ADC) 的不断发展,HIC 在ADC 表征和分析上应用越来越广泛。 与其他技术不同,HIC 允许蛋白质在保持天然结构和活性的温和非变性条件下进行分析。 这一点非常重要,为HIC后续的研究提供了条件。 接下来,我们以一个传统的高效液相仪配合使用硫酸铵缓冲液为例,为大家阐述HIC的关键参数。 并对方法优化注意事项进行了总结。 简介. HIC的方法最早由 Tiselius 提出,他称此技术为" …
Hi-C 3.0: Improved Protocol for Genome-Wide Chromosome
Hi-C is a chromosome conformation capture (3C)-based technology to detect pair-wise chromatin interactions genome-wide, and has become a benchmark tool to study genome organization. In Hi-C, chromatin conformation is first captured by chemical cross-linking of cells.
Hi-C Data Analysis: Methods and Protocols | SpringerLink
This volume details a comprehensive set of methods and tools for Hi-C data processing, analysis, and interpretation. Chapters cover applications of Hi-C to address a variety of biological problems, with a specific focus on state-of-the-art computational procedures adopted for the data analysis.
Hi-C Sequencing Data Analysis: Introduction, Methods, and Protocol
Hi-C data assessment is a multi-step method that can be divided into two parts: preprocessing (from raw data to the Hi-C contact matrix) and downstream analyses. Preprocessing begins with FASTQ files of paired-end reads acquired from high-throughput sequencing, which are (1) connected to the reference genome, (2) processed to delete spurious ...
A hydrophobic interaction chromatography method suitable …
2021年1月30日 · In this study, we developed a novel HIC method capable of separating three mAbs with similar size, structure and charge properties, which enabled quantitation of their concentrations of the individual mAbs comprising a three mAb co-formulated drug product. The HIC method outperformed SEC, RP, CEX, and iCIEF when used for this purpose.
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