Releases · nefarius/HidHide - GitHub
2024年5月11日 · You're receiving this work for free, if it brought you joy, consider giving back and spend a few coins ️. Download the provided setup and click through it. Reboot when prompted to. Done! Running the setup will uninstall the existing version, then require a reboot. Afterwards continue installing this version, reboot. You're done!
HidHide - Gaming Input Peripherals Device Firewall - DS4Windows
2022年5月25日 · HidHide is a filter driver than can "hide" Gamepads/joysticks devices, ensuring Windows and other applications stop detecting it as a game controller and allowing only chosen applications to see them. Specially useful when the user is …
GitHub - nefarius/HidHide: Gaming Input Peripherals Device …
HidHide is a kernel-mode filter driver available for Windows 10 or higher (KMDF 1.13+). It comes with a configuration utility via which the driver is configured and controlled. The filter driver starts automatically and runs unattended with system privileges. A system reboot may be triggered after driver installation or removal.
HidHide Download Free (Windows) - 1.5.230 | Softpedia
2024年6月22日 · Download HidHide 1.5.230 - A lightweight application that provides a more efficient way to manage the various human interface devices or hide them completely, when they cause conflicts
Release HidHide Drivers v1.5.230 · nefarius/HidHide · GitHub
2024年5月11日 · v1.5.230 HidHide changelog. This project was only possible with the investment of many years of learning, research and dedication. You're receiving this work for free, if it brought you joy, consider giving back and spend a few coins ️
HidHide - Tool to Hide Gamepads on Windows - Vigem Bus Driver
HidHide is a specialized tool designed to tackle these issues by allowing users to selectively hide their physical game controllers from certain applications. This guide will delve into what HidHide is, its features, its creators, and provide a detailed tutorial on installing and configuring HidHide on Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems.
hid hide隐藏无效了 - 百度贴吧
hid hide隐藏..之前用的好好的,今天突然就隐藏无效了,出来两个手柄,不知道为什么DS 4 WINDOWS,大佬们,帮忙看下
hidhide Archives - DS4Windows
HidHide is a filter driver than can “hide” Gamepads/joysticks devices, ensuring Windows and other applications stop detecting it as a game controller and allowing only chosen applications to see them. Specially useful when the user is remapping a real controller into an emulated one.
李寶英×李茂生!韓劇《Hide》劇情+評價+結局 (全12集),失蹤丈 …
2024年3月26日 · 李寶英、李茂生、李清娥、李敏載(這麼剛好都姓「李」XD)主演的《Hide》韓劇將於2024/3/24開播,本劇是改編自BBC 的英國影集《信任危牆》(Keeping Faith),由韓國OTT 平台Coupang Play 製作( 台灣由中華電信MOD與Hami Video獨家跟播,3月24日起每週日、一更新,Netflix ...
Hide (電視劇) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
《Hide》(韓語: 하이드)為 韓國 OTT平台 Coupang Play 自2024年3月23日起上線的原創劇集,同日起亦在 JTBC 土日劇 檔期播出 [3],改編自BBC出品的威爾斯連續劇《信任危牆 (英語:Keeping Faith (TV series))》,由《朝鮮浪漫喜劇–綠豆傳》《三流之路》的導演 金東輝 (韓語:김동휘 (연출가)) 執導,編劇李熙秀與崔娥律執筆,《妳的倒影》編劇 劉寶拉 擔任開創。 劇情講述某天丈夫突然消失後,一個女人追蹤圍繞丈夫失蹤的秘密時面對自己難以承受的巨大真相 …