Transcriptional Regulation by Hypoxia Inducible Factors - PMC
The HIF1 beta subunits (HIF1B), also known as aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocators (ARNT), are encoded by two genes ARNT1 and ARNT2. HIF1B is stably expressed and is also an obligate partner for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) (Hoffman et al., 1991, Wang et al., 1995, McIntosh et al., 2010).
Hypoxia-inducible factor - Wikipedia
Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are transcription factors that respond to decreases in available oxygen in the cellular environment, or hypoxia. [1][2] They also respond to instances of pseudohypoxia, such as thiamine deficiency. [3][4] Both hypoxia and pseudohypoxia leads to impairment of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production by the mitochon...
缺氧诱导因子 - 百度百科
HIF-1β 亚基 又称 芳香烃 受体核转运子 (aryl hydrocarbon re-eptor nuclear translocator,ARNT), 基因定位 于人的 1号染色体 q21区,在细胞内 稳定表达,起结构性作用;HIF-1α基因定位于人的 14号染色体 q21~24区,受缺 氧 信号的调控,是HIF-1的活性亚基。 每个亚单位的 氨基 端均含有碱性的螺旋-环-螺旋 (basic- he -lix-loop-helix,bHLH)构型和Per/Amt/Sim (PAS)结构,是其形成异源 二聚体 并与 DNA 结合所必需的结构。
2019年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖:细胞的氧气感受器——HIF-1 - 知乎
HIF-1β,又称 芳香烃受体 核转运因子1 (aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator, ARNT1),分子量86636。 对应的基因位于1号染色体,其中有一个编码15aa的可变外显子,其去留决定了HIF-1β有两种可能的存在形式,一个含有789aa,一个含有774aa。 HIF-1β表达不受缺氧的影响,因其有其他的功能。 (可以从它的别名推测它的其他功能。 芳香烃受体 (AHR):虽然它是一个受体,但是它存在于细胞质基质中,并且跟热休克蛋白90 (Hsp90)和其他多个蛋白质结合 …
Hypoxia signaling in human diseases and therapeutic targets
2019年6月20日 · Under hypoxia, the activity of PHDs and FIHs are suppressed, and HIF-α subunits translocate into the nucleus to bind with HIF-1β (HIF1B). The heterodimeric HIF-α: HIF-1β transcription factor...
HIF-1 信号转导通路 | Cell Signaling Technology
后生动物已进化出适应缺氧的机制,这种机制受缺氧诱导因子 (HIF) 介导,HIF 是一个异二聚体碱性-螺旋-环-螺旋转录因子家族,由一个 O 2 调节 HIF-α 亚基(HIF-1α、HIF-2α 和 HIF-3α)和一个结构型表达的 HIF-1β 亚基构成。 在充分氧化的细胞中,HIF-α 亚基在脯氨酸残基上被依赖于氧的脯氨酰-4-羟化酶 (PHD) 羟基化。 脯氨酸羟化可让它结合 von Hippel–Lindau 蛋白 (pVHL),这是一种可靶向 HIF-α 进行蛋白酶体降解的 E3 泛素-连接酶。 此外,在不缺氧的条件下,HIF-α 被 …
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1β (HIF-1β) is upregulated in a HIF-1α ...
2013年4月26日 · Adaptation to low oxygen levels is mediated by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway promoting invasion, metastasis, metabolic alterations, chemo-resistance and angiogenesis. The transcription factor HIF-1, the major player within this …
Hypoxia-Inducible Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator (ARNT ...
HIF-α proteins are regulated in an oxygen-dependent manner, whereas ARNT is generally regarded as constitutively expressed, meaning that neither the arnt mRNA nor the protein level is influenced by hypoxia (despite the name HIF-1β).
Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF)-1 Regulatory Pathway and its …
Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF)-1 is a dimeric protein complex that plays an integral role in the body's response to low oxygen concentrations, or hypoxia. HIF-1 is among the primary genes involved in the homeostatic process, which can increase vascularization in hypoxic areas such as localized ischemia and tumors.
The Differential Role of Hif1β/Arnt and the Hypoxic ... - ScienceDirect
2011年10月5日 · In the present study, we have evaluated the role of the Hif transcriptional system by creating a mouse lacking Hif1β (Arnt) in adipose tissue. We find that these mice are resistant to age- and diet-induced obesity and its associated glucose intolerance.