What does poison ivy rash look like? | Zocdoc Answers
Cooling compresses and oatmeal baths can be soothing to the skin. Certain lotions such as calamine can ease the irritation as well. If itching is a concern, then antihistamines (such as Benadryl) may bring some relief. For severe symptoms, topical high-potency steroids used early on in the course of the rash can help provide relief.
Can smoking cause colon cancer? | Zocdoc Answers
Smoking is also associated with many other cancers. Probably the most common cancer (besides lung cancer) that is associated with smoking is colon cancer. Colon cancer can also be attributed to eating a diet high in red meat. Another cancer associated with smoking is esophageal cancer. The list of associated cancers is long.
At the age of 50 years my menstruation is irregular, heavy and ...
I think in your situation the first step is to check your gonadotropin levels. These levels rise significantly during menopause and might help tell your doctors whether you are nearing menopause or not. If these levels are quite high and you are still experiencing heavy bleeding, this would warrant a biopsy of the inside of your uterus.