Hiko - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Spencer "Hiko" Martin (born March 6, 1990) is a retired American professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Counter-Strike player. He rose into prominence when his team finished third place in the first big CS:GO tournament at ESWC 2012 with Area51 Gaming.
Spencer 'Hiko' Martin's Counter-Strike Player Profile - HLTV.org
Spencer Martin known as Hiko, is a 35 year old Counter-Strike player from United States.
传奇谢幕!北美名将HiKo宣布退役 - 网易BUFF游戏饰品 ...
2020年6月5日 · 今日早时,曾效力于Complexity、Cloud9、Liquid等多家豪门战队的北美Go圈老将Hiko正式宣布结束自己的CS职业生涯。 在直播宣布退役消息之际,Hiko还表示感谢一直以来支持他的粉丝,希望后续能在全新的游戏中一并追随这全新的队伍和全新的他。
Hiko: Career - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Hiko began playing Counter-Strike 1.6 at a competitive level in 2011 when he played for a team called Temporary, which had two of three of the famous North American trio: Danny "fRoD" Montaner and Tyler "Storm" Wood along with Dustin "dizzaman" Dilyerd and …
美国coL悍将Hiko专访:美国缺少训练强队;CSGO在能解决反作弊之 …
我是Spencer “Hiko” Martin,今年23岁,在大学主修计算机专业,目前效力于compLexity俱乐部CS:GO分队。 你是怎样接触到游戏的? 第一次应该是任天堂吧,就是那种长方形的游戏机,当年玩的游戏必须是超级玛丽!
职业生涯结束 北美名将Hiko正式转向瓦罗兰特 - 5EPlay
2020年6月5日 · CSGO新闻:今日早时,曾效力于Complexity、Cloud9、Liquid等多家豪门战队的北美Go圈老将Hiko正式宣布结束自己的CS职业生涯 产品 CSGO 对战平台 PUBG 多多自走棋
Hiko VALORANT Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
1990年3月6日 · Spencer “Hiko” Martin is a former professional VALORANT player. He is also a former professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player and is responsible for some of the scene’s most memorable moments, and phrases that were uttered by casters during some of those iconic moments still live on in the collective CS:GO memory to this day.
Hiko - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Hiko has mostly funneled his competitive gaming into Counter-Strike, with 1.5, 1.6, and CS:GO. He got into Counter-Strike through one of his friend's brothers, which ended up making his whole group of friends play the game.
传奇谢幕!北美名将HiKo宣布退出CSGO 加盟100T VALORANT战队
2020年6月5日 · Hiko宣布从CS职业赛场退役,转型Valorant。 在直播中Hiko透露他将退出CSGO职业赛场,并且他将以第一名100T Valorant职业选手的身份转型加盟新游戏。 作为北美CS的功勋老将,早在2010年之际Hiko就凭借实力在CS圈打出了名声,当时与其一同效力CheckSix的还有fRoD与Storm两人。
Spencer «Hiko» Martin Counter Strike, 选手简介,奖项,比赛,数据统计
国家: 美国, 年龄: 35 岁, 战队 -, 胜率 - • IS OPERATED BY GAMEAGEVENTURES LLP 80 Sidney Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6HQ