Himera - Wikipedia
Himera (Greek: Ἱμέρα), was a large and important ancient Greek city situated on the north coast of Sicily at the mouth of the river of the same name (the modern Imera Settentrionale), between Panormus (modern Palermo) and Cephaloedium (modern …
Himera | Greek Colony, Battle of Himera | Britannica
Himera, ancient city on the northern Himeras (modern Grande) River, on the northern coast of Sicily. It was founded in about 649 bc by Syracusan exiles and Chalcidian inhabitants of Zancle (Messana).
Химера — Википедия
Химеры являются частным случаем мозаицизма, возникающего в результате мутаций, рекомбинаций, нарушения клеточного деления. Биологи назвали химерами также и отряд морских цельноголовых рыб, распространённых от шельфа до океанских глубин и являющихся в ряде стран объектом промысла.
The Fight for Ancient Sicily - Archaeology Magazine
After a fierce struggle in 480 B.C. on a coastal plain outside the Sicilian city of Himera, with heavy losses on both sides, the Greeks eventually won the day. As the years passed, the Battle of...
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, HIMERA Sicily.
In 480 B.C. Himera was the site of the famous battle between a league of Sicilian Greeks and the Carthaginians who, having been utterly defeated on that occasion (Herod. 7.165-67; Diod. 11.20f f and 13.62.1-4), returned to attack the Doric cities of Sicily in 409 B.C. Himera was razed to the ground and abandoned (Diod. 11.49.4; 13.62.4-5; 13.79 ...
Hidden in 54 Corpses, a Revelation About Ancient Greece
2022年10月4日 · DNA from a 2,500-year-old battlefield in Sicily reveals that mercenary soldiers were common, if not the Homeric ideal. A mass grave of troops from the second Battle of Himera in Sicily in 409...
Battle of Himera: Carthage vs. Ancient Greeks of Sicily
2024年4月23日 · Battle of Himera: Carthage vs. Ancient Greeks of Sicily In 480 BCE, two great powers met near a small town in Sicily to decide the fate of the Mediterranean.
Himeră (mitologie) - Wikipedia
Himera (greacă Χίμαιρα derivat din χίμαρος, khimaros „capră”) reprezintă în mitologia greacă un monstru tricefal, având un cap de leu, unul de capră și unul de șarpe sau de balaur. După Hesiod, este un monstru feminin, născut din cuplul Echidna - Typhon.
Battle of Himera (409 BC) - Wikipedia
Hannibal sacrificed 3,000 Greek prisoners at the place where Hamilcar, his grandfather and leader of the 480 expedition, had fallen. The city of Himera was utterly destroyed, even all the temples were flattened to the ground, and the women and children were enslaved.
n-eThing4u | Himera
This Thanksgiving, Himera returns with "n-eThing4U". Introducing stuttering drum patterns into the glittering, beatless trance they've become known for, Himera creates yet another blissful and bubbly world to lose yourself in.