Schematic depicting the hinged DCB specimens. The PTFE insert …
Atomistic simulations and experiment are performed to investigate the interfacial fracture toughness between carbon fiber and epoxy. The interaction energy and binding constant are …
DCB specimen with a piano hinges and b load blocks
Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens composed of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate composites were tested. Two material systems were investigated. One consisted of plies from …
A novel micro-double cantilever beam (micro-DCB) test in an X …
2018年9月1日 · In this paper, a novel miniaturized double cantilever beam (DCB) test (so-called micro-DCB test) for mechanical loading of samples in an X-ray microscope and for 3 …
Experimental and numerical study on DCB specimens bonded with …
2022年10月1日 · A series of DCB tests have been carried out to investigate the bonding behavior between different materials. Three different numerical strategies are adopted to predict the …
Folding behavior of thin-walled tubular deployable composite …
2023年8月1日 · Thin-walled tubular deployable composite boom (DCB) has gained significant attention due to its lightweight, simple structure and high packaging efficiency. The …
(a) Schematic of the DCB specimen with piano hinges attached…
Detailed descriptions for hinge bonding process for room temperature DCB and high temperature DCB specimens can be found in Ref. [27].
双悬臂梁试样的使用 - 百度学术
双悬臂梁 (Double Contilever Beam简称DCB)试样是一种单边裂纹,裂纹面弯曲加载的试样.早期使用DCB试样测量材料的表面能,近来在断裂韧性测量,裂纹体动态止裂和裂纹扩展动力学等研究工 …
ysis was developed for a double-cantilever beam (DCB) specimen to account for geometric nonline rity effects due to large deflections and T-tabs. A new DCB data analysis procedure …
New hinge design for DCB specimen. - ResearchGate
New hinge design for DCB specimen. A carbon-fibre/PA-12, hybrid yarn, woven fabric material has been processed into laminates and mechanically tested to evaluate its suitability for high...
2.1 The DCB Specimen Figure 1 shows the DCB specimen geometry where a0 is the original crack length, b is the specimen width, h is the thickness of the specimen, L is total length, and …