TEM image of untreated control hyphal cell grown for 2 h.
In control cultures grown without micafungin for 2 or 5 h, hyphae elongated normally with dichotomous branching in a Y-shape (Figs 1a and 1b). In contrast, micafungin treatment …
T. rubrum TEM observation. The image showed the
TEM image of the longitudinal section of T. rubrum hyphae showed double-layer cell walls, visible nucleus (N), liposomes (L), the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and myeloid body (Mb).
Mapping of Pythium insidiosum hyphal antigens and ultrastructural ...
2007年11月1日 · TEM micrograph of laterally sectioned hyphae of Pythium insidiosum reacted with human serum containing anti- P. insidiosum antibodies linked to PACG particles. (A) and …
Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of P. infestans hyphae …
The "beaded" hyphae were separated by the cell walls and false septa (Fig. 4C,H), which blocked the nutrition transportation and led to cells senescence and death.
Transmission electron microscopy of Verticillium albo-atrum hyphae …
1976年5月1日 · Vessels of tomato plants cvs Craigella and Potentate colonized by Verticillium albo-atrum hyphae were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Many hyphae …
An ultrastructural study of Trichophyton rubrum induced onychomycosis ...
2015年11月17日 · In this study we used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study the subungual ultrastructural changes in T. rubrum …
An ultrastructural study of Trichophyton rubrum induced ... - PubMed
2015年11月17日 · SEM showed a large number of hyphae penetrated the keratinocytes layer, suggesting that T. rubrum can cause severe damage to the stratum corneum. TEM showed …
Ultrastructural characterisation of the host-pathogen interface in ...
After successful entry through stomatal pores, the pathogen developed a substomatal vesicle and subsequently produced intercellular hyphae. TEM observations revealed that coenocytic …
Three-dimensional ultrastructure of Arabidopsis cotyledons …
Intriguingly, we documented autophagosomes in proximity to biotrophic hyphae using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and a concurrent increase in autophagic flux between …
TEM micrographs of hyphae that penetrated the integument. (3A) …
Within 72 h, hyphal bodies and hyphae could be found throughout the infected organism including in the midgut, Malphigian tubules, alimentary canal, ovarioles (in females), and an extended …