Hipro A1 AFS/1 Fully Automated Immunoassay Analyzer | Hipro Biotechnology
Hipro A1/HP-AFS/1 is a type of immunoassay analyzer provided by Hipro Biotechnology. Adopted the latest nephelometry, biochemistry, turbidimetry and immunofluorescence methodologies, it …
Automated Immunoassay Analyzers, Immunoassay Platform | Hipro
As a mature POCT company, Hipro can offer automated immunoassay systems with different types of immunoassay analyzers including Palm Reader Immunoassay Analyzers, Hurricane …
2024年5月11日,“2024白求恩精神研究会检验医学分会理事会议暨第六次医学检验大会“在石家庄举行,禾柏生物受邀参会并携新品参展。 白求恩研究会会长董书魁教授 莅...
公司概述 - Shijiazhuang Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 所有产品:A1自动免疫测定系统,A3自动免疫测定系统,飓风POC免疫测定系统,D-二聚体,HCY
POCT Manufacturer/Company, IVD Manufacturer/Company | Hipro
Hipro focuses on R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and relevant services of Point-of-Care products. Hipro, with the reagent R&D Center at Silicon Valley, USA, and instrument R&D …
Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd.: Laboratory - MedicalExpo
Discover all the products from Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and see a list of their distributors. Contact the manufacturer directly for a quote.
石家庄禾柏生物技术股份有限公司 - hiprochina.com
2017年9月24日,由 国家卫生计生委脑卒中防治工程委员会办公室 正式发出的《关于在2017年度脑卒中高危人群筛查和干预项目中统一检测检验耗材型号的函》中表明:经多家医院大生化临 …
Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd.品牌展台_实验室 - _MedicalExpo
查看Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd.的所有产品信息和销售点。直接与制造商联系询价,免费获得报价。
P-AFS/1-PLUS - Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. - MedicalExpo
HP-AFS/1 PLUS 是由专业医疗仪器公司 Hipro 精心设计的一款全自动免疫分析仪。 新的紧急优先模式。 内置标准曲线 内部温度控制、自动放电、互联网实时校准。
Hurricane Specific Protein Analyzer | Hipro Biotechnology
Hurricane is a type of specific protein analyzer provided by Hipro Biotechnology. Adopted the latest nephelometry methodology, it has four independent channels A, B, C, D for different test …