One of the most famous Benedictine monasteries of the 11th century: Hirsau's religious and political importance during the Middle Ages was great and was reflected in its architecture. …
Hirsau Monastery - Kloster Hirsau
A historically significant abbey in scenic surroundings Hirsau Monastery. Between the densely wooded hills of the Black Forest, in the Nagold Valley, lie the ruins of Hirsau Monastery …
Hirsau Abbey - Wikipedia
Hirsau Abbey, formerly known as Hirschau Abbey, was once one of the most important Benedictine abbeys of Germany. It is located in the Hirsau borough of Calw on the northern …
Hirsau – Wikipedia
Hirsau, bis 1975 eine eigenständige Gemeinde, ist seither ein Stadtteil der Großen Kreisstadt Calw im nördlichen Schwarzwald. Hirsau hat 2191 Einwohner und ist überwiegend touristisch …
Kloster Hirsau – Wikipedia
Das Kloster Hirsau war eine bedeutende Benediktinerabtei in Hirsau im Nordschwarzwald. Meist meint man damit die Anlage St. Peter und Paul. Im weiteren Sinn umfasst die Bezeichnung …
Monastery Museum Hirsau - Landesmuseum
Numerous placards containing texts and images, and high-quality exhibits, provide a comprehensive insight into the over 1,100 years of Hirsau monastery culture, the lives of the …
Monastery - Kloster Hirsau
Between the densely wooded hills of the Black Forest, in the Nagold Valley, lie the ruins of Hirsau Monastery (Kloster Hirsau). Also known as the Monastery of St Peter and Paul, the former …
Kloster Hirsau - Wikimedia Commons
Hirsau is a former Benedictine monastery in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, close to Calw.
Kloster Hirsau
Kloster Hirsau liegt im Nagoldtal zwischen dicht bewaldeten Schwarzwald-Höhen. Im Mittelalter war die Benediktinerabtei von höchster Bedeutung, kirchlich und politisch. Davon zeugen die …
Hirsau Monastery - Religiana
Hirsau Monastery, founded in the 12th century, was an important Benedictine abbey, one of the most important monasteries in Germany. Hirsau was already in the 7th century a Christian …