32 Series - Hirth Engines
The 32 Series air cooled two-stroke engines offer the highest power-to-weight ratios available in the 65-horsepower market. Ideally suited for use in light and ultralight aviation, hovercraft, gyro …
Hirth 3203 2 cycle 65hp Engines - Paramotor Engines Store
73 lbs-free air, 79 lbs-fan cooled including electric start and exhaust. Optional gearbox adds 19 lbs. G-50 gearbox available in 2.16:l, 2.29:l, 2.59:l, 3.16:l and 3.65:l ratios Cog belt belt drive also available. Elastomeric dampener or optional centrifugal clutch. Be the first to write your review!
32 S3203 eries Ideally suited for light and ultralight aviation. The 32 Series air cooled two-stroke engines oer the highest power-to-weight ratios available in the 55-horsepower market. Ideally suited for use in light and ultralight aviation, hovercraft, gyro and helicopters and all applications where weight could be an issue.
Hirth 3202 - Wikipedia
The Hirth 3202 and 3203 are a family of in-line twin cylinder, two stroke, carburetted aircraft engines, with optional fuel injection, designed for use on ultralight aircraft, especially two seat ultralight trainers, gyrocopters and small homebuilts.
Hirth Aircraft Engines - Paramotor Engines Store
Hirth 3203 2 cycle 65hp Engines Brand New Hirth 3203 2 cycle 65hp Engines with Warranty
Hirth 3203 is the forerunner in power plants for the heaviest ultralight trainers, gyrocopters and light experimentals today. 3203 incorporates Al -Nikasil coated cylinders for superior performance and reliability.
Engines - Hirth Engines
Best suited for light aviation and powered parachutes. The home of 2-Stroke engines. Hirth Engines offer outstanding quality combined with unmatched performance and efficiency.
Hirth 3203 2 cycle 65hp Engines | Sale-Marineshop.com
Hirth 3203 2 cycle 65hp Engines. Model: 3203 Engine Type: 2 cycle, two cylinder Bore: 76mm Stroke: 69mm Displacement: 625cc Compression: 9.5:1 HP Output: 65hp @ 6300rpm Torque: 55ftlbs @ 6000rpm Ignition: Dual CDI (Capacitive digital Ign.) Carburation: Dual 34mm slide or optional electronic fuel injection Fuel Pump:
德国Hirth 3203 发动机-天翼航空设备有限公司
The Hirth 3203 is the forerunner in powerplants for the heaviest of ultralight trainers, gyrocopters and light experimentals today. Factory recommended TBO is rated at 1000 Hrs. @ 75% power. 3203 incorporates Al-Nikasil coated cylinders for superior performance and reliability.
深圳市亚凯斯科技有限公司 - HIRTH系列发动机 - szarcos.com
H3203E是一款风冷、两缸、两冲程直列发动机。 配有两个滑阀式化油器或燃油喷射系统。 气缸为镍硅涂层,它的65HP发动机市场具有最好的功重比。 适用于超轻型飞机、气垫船、旋翼机、试验类型飞行器、以及所有对重量有严格要求的应用渠道上. 3502E/V是一款水冷、两缸、两冲程直列发动机。 配有电子燃油喷射或化油器。 气缸为镍硅涂层,它的60HP级别发动机中具有最高的功重比的几款机型之一。 适用于超轻型飞机、气垫船、旋翼机、试验类型轻型飞行器、以及所有对 …