Extreme Z-Battle: Assassin's Ultimate Technique Hit
Characters from the "All-Out Struggle" Category take less damage, mitigate Hit's damage reduction and cause increased damage. However, they won't be able to bypass Hit's damage …
Transcendent Light-Speed Battle Erupts Hit & Super Saiyan …
Goku and Hit's United Front Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn [ 1 ] and causes colossal damage with a high chance of stunning the enemy [ 2 ] Transcendent Light-Speed Combo
Assassin's Ultimate Technique Hit - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle …
Hit has an average chance of 65% to stun the enemy with a Super Attack His additional boosts are calculated separately, for a total boost of ATK & DEF +316% when performing a Super …
[Assassin's Ultimate Technique] Hit - Dokkan Info
2018年12月24日 · "Universe 6" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%; or "Universe Survival Saga" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +160%
Dokkan World - TEQ HIT EZA INFO! Extreme TEQ Assassin's... - Facebook
Extreme TEQ Assassin's Ultimate Technique Hit [EZA] Leader Skill: "Universe 6" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%; or "Universe 6 Survival Saga" Category Ki +3, HP, ATK & DEF …
Video Title: INSANE NEWS! DOKKAN FESTIVAL TEQ HIT EZA INFO REVEALED! || Dragon Ball Z Dokkan BattleMy name is Dean and I'm a college student that plays dokka...
TEQ Hit EZA Concept : r/DBZDokkanBattle - Reddit
2021年10月16日 · Imagine if his eza was just adding "DEF +150% and a high chance to dodge" to his passive lmao. I could have copped out there, but man, let the stunny boi stun! I think it …
How to get the Eza Area : r/DBZDokkanBattle - Reddit
2020年9月15日 · I'm starting off with working on Hercule's EZA and I've found that Transforming Gohan and Buu/Herc can tank the hits well enough to help me get through the event.
EZA: Majin Buu Saga Guide in steps! : r/DBZDokkanBattle - Reddit
2020年9月15日 · Step 1: Get all the required units! Step 2: Rainbow all of them! That's right, even the b*tch Spopovich! Why? Well because he is a big fat dumb b*tch that gets slaped across …
Evolution to Match Strength Hit - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle …
Jeff Grubb and Jan Ochoa chat about what that could mean for the future of the franchise and the rumored possibility that it may not feature a competitive multiplayer. Afterwards they go over …