CCI Hive RTA 25mm - vapeax.com
We are proud to introduce the new 25mm Hive RTA by Cloud Chasers Inc. This a 25mm RTA with INSANE capability, flavor and cloud production are astonishing! SPECS: - Atomizer Stand NOT INCLUDED. - 25mm base - Massive airflow with AFC-AFC ring catch, can close 100% - Ultem tip/tank - Delrin tip included - Open deck design - Large clamp posts ...
CCI HIVE RTA 40MM - Vapor 42
SKU 9689 Categories REBUILDABLE, RTA Tags 40mm, cci, hive, rta, tank. Get it in Store. Johnson City. Bristol VA. Piney Flats. Call For Availablity (276) 582-0088. Click To Call For Availablity. Or you can Email us at [email protected] to see if we have what you are looking for in stock. Related products. ACCESSORIES
CCI Hive RTA 25mm — Vapor King
We are proud to introduce the new 25mm Hive RTA by Cloud Chasers Inc. This a 25mm RTA with INSANE capability, flavor and cloud production are astonishing! SPECS: - Atomizer Stand NOT INCLUDED. - 25mm base - Massive airflow with AFC-AFC ring catch, can close 100% - Ultem tip/tank - Delrin tip included - Open deck design - Large clamp posts ...
Tanks & RDA's - HORNco Refinery
The Hive 28mm RTA. Vapergate Dump Tank 40mm RDA / RTA. Conspiracy GEO 22mRDA. Armageddon Apocalypse 24mm RDA. Overpowered 30mm RDA. CCI The Hive 40mm RTA. Vaperz Cloud VCMT2 30mm RTA. VGOD Elite 24mm RDA. Purge Carnage 25mm RDA. CCI Archon V2 24mm RDA. Sieglei Moon Shot 22mm RTA. IJoy Captain 24mm RTA. FOR ALL YOU CBD NEEDS. GO TO OUR PARTNER ...
Wholesale Cloud Chaser INC - CCI Hive RTA 25mm – …
We are proud to introduce the new 25mm Hive RTA by Cloud Chasers Inc. This a 25mm RTA with INSANE capability, flavor and cloud production are astonishing! SPECS: - Atomizer Stand NOT INCLUDED. - 25mm base. - Massive airflow with AFC. -AFC ring catch, can close 100% - Ultem tip/tank. - Delrin tip included. - Open deck design. - Large clamp posts.
The Hive 40mm RTA by Cloud Chasers Inc – Innovapes LLC.
SKU: 1451 Categories: Rebuildables (RDA, RTA, RDTA), Tanks Tags: atty, authentic, high end, rebuildable, rta
Pizza Dave Delivers - A RTA Review - The Hive V2 by CCI
2020年3月4日 · Unlike many RTAs on the market today, the Hive V2 does not have dedicated wicking channels. Rather, this looks like an rda with a wide open bottom. In between the bottom airflow and the post section are 4 dedication wicking holes for the liquid to enter from the tank.
CCI Hive RTA - E-Cigarette Forum
2018年3月15日 · Artery Hive 200, A Powerful Kit with World's First "Flavor Mode" & 0.01s Fire Speed
My Review of Hive RTA by Cloud Chasers Inc. - E-Cigarette Forum
2019年5月21日 · VapingUnicorns thoughts on the Hive RTA by Cloudchasers Inc. This is Not your usual review ... Can I just start off by saying . I love RTAs,I feel like they are the best of both worlds .. subohm and RDAs combined into one. One one hand you get...
Hive RTA By Cloud Chasers Inc. - Review (PT BR) - YouTube
Com muito orgulho trago pra vocês o review de um atomizador que eu queria muito provar! O Hive RTA da Cloud Chasers Inc.Um monstro de 28mm de diâmetro, um tr...