Type 73 light machine gun - Wikipedia
The Type 73 is a light machine gun designed and manufactured by North Korea 's First Machine Industry Bureau. It is used primarily by the Korean People's Army, [1] and via Iran, has been exported throughout the Middle East. It has a superficial resemblance to the Bren light machine gun when loaded with the top-mounted box magazine. [2]
HK73 轻机枪 - 枪炮世界
HK73机枪 - 百度百科
HK73是 Hk (德国黑克勒和科赫责任有限公司)研发的一种 轻机枪,是HK23机型的一种变型机枪。 [1] HK73既不是使用弹链式供弹,也不是使用传统的步枪弹匣供弹,而是使用一种相当特独的盒型弹匣,子弹排列在一个类似输送带的盒型装置内,子弹通过发条弹簧的作用输送到供弹口,并从下向上输入枪内。 [1] 图1所示为HK73专门的盒型弹匣,右上部带白色箭头指示方向的旋转装置是上发条用的。 [1] 子弹直径:5.56mm。 [1] HK73是Hk(德国黑克勒和科赫责任有限公司)研 …
Type 73 light machine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 73 is a light machine gun designed and manufactured by North Korea's First Machine Industry Bureau for use by the Korean People's Army. [1] The Type 73 is based on a 1960s-era Soviet design, most likely the PK machine gun, although the date of its first production in North Korea is currently unknown.
The Light Machine Gun LMG-11 caseless, or the LMG11
2013年11月6日 · The "Caseless LMG" that you mention was one of three weapons proposed in the HK/Dynamit Nobel family of weapons all firing the same German 4.73x33mm caseless HITP cartridge. When the G11 died so did the LMG and PDW designs and efforts.
Heckler & Koch 公司产品列表 - 枪炮世界
介绍 HK 公司 生产和产品检验过程的纪录短片。 推荐!
HK主要产品 - 百度知道
2024年9月8日 · 在机枪系列中,hk21、hk11(g8)、hk23、hk13、mg4(mg43)、hk73等,展示了其在大威力火力压制方面的强大能力。而无壳弹枪系列,如g11步枪、g11 pdw、g11 lmg等,则为战术环境提供了独特的解决方案。
对德国5.56毫米HK73轻机枪的150发供弹具如何评价? - 知乎
hk73是hk23改进来的。 但是吧hk23本身就不怎么好用,非刚性闭锁导致后坐力过大。供弹系统不咋地。 而hk73则是用这个弹盒解决供弹系统问题。让他不那么容易卡壳。
2018年11月15日 · HK73既不是使用弹链式供弹,也不是使用传统的步枪弹匣供弹,而是使用一种相当特独的盒型弹匣,150发5.56mm子弹排列在一个类似输送带的盒型装置内,子弹通过发条弹簧的作用输送到供弹口,并从下向上输入枪内。
Type 73 light machine gun (North Korea) - Modern Firearms
Type 73 light machine gun with a 30-round magazine. The Type 73 light machine gun (73형 기관총 in Korean nomenclature) was designed at the North Korean state arms factories during early 1970s and manufactured for use by North Korean armed forces.