低压连续输送泵 (HKB)|长沙昊凯环保机电设备有限公司|稀相气力输 …
HKB 型连续泵是利用气力压差原理与喷射流技术、流态化技术相结合,充分吸收现代气力输送两相流的理论,经多年运行实践总结,针对中短距离(0-400米)粉体气力输送工艺系统中,大量要求连续输送的方式而开发的专用设备。 该设备核心技术是环式喷嘴射流器,该射流器真空度高且效率特高,损失小,达国际领先水平,从而成功使低压连续输送达到并超过设计要求,这是该设备有别于其它输送泵的最关键一点。 它与其它一些行业的气力输送设备(如仓式泵)相比,具有如 …
Pumps, Valves and Service I KSB USA
KSB - USA is a leading manufacturer and service provider of pumps and valves for mining, water & wastewater management, energy, chemicals & petrochemicals, and commercial and industrial sectors.
HKB Series Double Suction Split Case Pump - 安徽杭化精密机械 …
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Industrial Flowserve Hega Between Bearings Pump Horizontal …
The HEGA is an extremely robust and well proven ring section pump with closed impellers, designed for power, water and wastewater, pharmaceutical and chemical applications requiring trouble-free pumping of clear or slightly dirty liquids.
主页 - HKB boiler
减少排放和提高效率是hkb锅炉解决方案的重点。 通过使用节能器,冷凝器,变频器和热量回收等技术,我们实现了节能。 HKB锅炉解决方案的创新不止于此。
KSB Limited (Hong Kong)
The company specializes in installation, commission, maintenance, upgrade, replacement and technology consultation about KSB pumps, valves and system, including authorized products, also imports and exports related equipments and components.
Focusing on the research and development of different water pumps, HACOC has provided global users high quality products and professional services since 2001.
HKB Industrial steam and super-heated water boilers
HKB boiler is passionately committed to producing the next generation of boilers. The steam boilers produce up to 120 t/h and a maximum operating pressure of 120 bar (g). The temperature of the superheated steam can be up to 500 o C. The hot water boilers produce up to as much as 115 MW with an impressive pressure of up to 50 bar (g).
HKB-B系列液压高压球阀,KHB-C系列高压球阀 - 上海始高阀门有限 …
关于 HKB - HKB boiler
HKB锅炉位于芬洛Groot Boller工业区的Ankerkade和Rijnaakkade。 公司在马斯河边的独特地理位置,使得可以通过船运输大型锅炉。 这样可以减少在客户所在地的组装时间,从而可以快速安装,并减少出错的风险。