Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited - HKGBC
[Press Release] Hong Kong Green Building Council's Response to 202… Nan Fung Property Management (“NFPM”) of Nan Fung Group unveils its Sustainability Report 2023/24, alongside the establishment of Sustainability Framework 2030 (“SF2030”) targets encompassing four fundamental themes – People, Environment, Governance and Partnership.
香港綠色建築議會有限公司 | HKGBC
HKGBC's Response to 2025-26 Budget Public Consultation (只提供… 南豐集團旗下南豐物業管理欣然發表《可持續發展報告2023/24》,確立「可持續發展框架2030」具體目標,由「社群」、「環境」、「管治」及「協作」四大主題出發。
The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member led organisation established in 2009 and has become a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance since 2016. The HKGBC strives to promote the standards and developments of sustainable buildings in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築 …
Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) strives to promote the standards and developments of sustainable buildings, leading the city to become a low carbon metropolis.
Hong Kong Green Building Council
To facilitate the building sector to benchmark their carbon and energy performance, the Council has established baselines for embodied carbon intensity and energy utilisation index (EUI) for different building types. Building on those, a series of benchmarking and target setting schemes are being produced.
About Us - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香 …
The HKGBC strives to promote the standards and developments of sustainable buildings in Hong Kong. The HKGBC also aims to raise green building awareness by engaging the public, the industry and the government, and to develop practical solutions for Hong Kong’s unique, subtropical built environment of high-rise, high density urban area ...
Introduction - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC…
Joining the HKGBC is a demonstration of the organisation’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable growth of Hong Kong. Via exposure in the HKGBC website, HKGBC major events and other marketing channels like the HKGBC official magazine, brand value is effectively uplifted.
Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited - HKGBC
[Press Release] Hong Kong Green Building Council's Response to 202… Nan Fung Property Management (“NFPM”) of Nan Fung Group unveils its Sustainability Report 2023/24, alongside the establishment of Sustainability Framework 2030 (“SF2030”) targets encompassing four fundamental themes – People, Environment, Governance and Partnership.
1959 年初「香港浸信會聯會」(簡稱「浸聯會」)深感北角人口日增,定意設立「粵語福音堂」。 適逢「北角浸信會」遷往新堂址,原有舊址轉與「浸聯會」 開設「粵語福音堂」並委託「北角浸信會」為其母會。 於 1959 年 6 月 21 日在英皇道 467-469 號 6 樓由母會主持開幕,並開始第一次崇拜。 神帶領「懷恩」於 1963 年 11 月正式自立。 在命名時,有感於當時上海及台北都有「懷恩浸信會」,而傳福音不應受地域限制,也希望提醒世人常常懷念主 恩,因此本會定名為「香港懷 …
Membership - HKGBC
Joining the HKGBC is a demonstration of the organisation’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable growth of Hong Kong. Via exposure in the HKGBC website, HKGBC major events and other marketing channels like the HKGBC's e-newsletter, brand value is effectively uplifted.