HKIAC - Dispute Toolkit - Linklaters
2024年6月1日 · If using the HKIAC Rules, the HKIAC rules give the tribunal a discretion whether to order discovery of documents. Our HKIAC Clauses exclude the tribunal’s power to order general discovery (on the grounds that the saving in time and cost makes up for the few cases where general discovery might have changed the outcome). Consider whether this ...
HKIAC Clauses - Dispute Toolkit - Linklaters
Note: Whilst, technically, its rules can be used in conjunction with any choice of seat, the HKIAC’s Arbitration Rules are most likely to be of interest, and deployed, in circumstances where the parties have agreed upon Hong Kong as a seat (Hong Kong, along with Singapore, being one of the first choices for international commercial ...
HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules get a face lift
2024年5月10日 · The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) has unveiled its 2024 Administered Arbitration Rules (2024 Rules). These rules introduce measures and provisions to increase efficiency, address current trends in sustainable arbitration and provide a secure, streamlined and cost-effective environment for arbitration proceedings.
Parties to HKIAC arbitrations may seek interim relief and …
2022年7月12日 · Parties to HKIAC arbitrations may seek interim relief and enforcement of awards from CICC On 22 June 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of China announced that the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre has been included in the “One-Stop” Platform for Diversified International Commercial Dispute Resolution of the China International ...
HKIAC 2018 Rules – where are we now? - Linklaters
2018年10月4日 · As we reported last year, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) is consulting on amendments to its 2013 version of the Rules in an effort to respond to the needs of HKIAC users and technological advances in dispute resolution. The ongoing rules revision process is overseen by the HKIAC Rules Revision Committee. The first draft of the new rules was published back in ...
2018 HKIAC Rules now in force | ArbitrationLinks - Linklaters
The 2018 HKIAC Rules are the result of a comprehensive revision process which began in August 2017 and was overseen by the HKIAC Rules Revision Committee. The process included extensive public consultation with users, stakeholders and interest groups. See the 2018 HKIAC Rules in full here.
New HKIAC rules in force on 1 June 2024| ArbitrationLinks | Blogs ...
Following a public consultation, the HKIAC has recently unveiled its updated Administered Arbitration Rules. For a summary of the main changes introduced, see this briefing note produced by members of our international arbitration group. Click here for a copy of the 2024 HKIAC Rules themselves. The 2024 HKIAC Rules will come into force on 1 ...
ICC and HKIAC publish guidance on applications to Mainland …
The International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”) and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) have each published guidance to parties to arbitral proceedings seated in Hong Kong and administered by the ICC or the HKIAC and who wish to apply to Mainland courts for interim relief under the Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures in Aid of ...
Hong Kong court maintains anti-suit injunction against Russian …
In the meantime, Linde commenced HKIAC arbitration, and subsequently obtained an anti-suit injunction from the Hong Kong court in support of the arbitration, restraining RCA from pursuing the Russian litigation (the “ASI”). RCA sought to discharge the ASI by way of an application to the Hong Kong court. Decision
Choosing an Arbitral Institution: LCIA, SIAC or HKIAC
Choosing an Arbitral Institution: LCIA, SIAC or HKIAC. Overview of the key features of the London Court of International Arbitration, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.