Hong Kong International Film Festival
Organises the annual Hong Kong International Film Festival, and film cultural activities including screenings and lectures.
香港國際電影節 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港國際電影節(英語: Hong Kong International Film Festival ,縮寫: HKIFF )由1977年起開始舉辦,於2016年踏入40週年。 香港國際電影節是一項競賽性 影展 ,每年多數在3月底左右舉行。
Hong Kong International Film Festival - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) is one of Asia's oldest international film festivals. Founded in 1976, the festival features different movies and filmmakers from different countries, and takes place in Hong Kong .
香港國際電影節 Hong Kong International Film Festival - Facebook
香港國際電影節 Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong. 61,895 likes · 475 talking about this. 香港國際電影節協會 (HKIFFS) 是一個非牟利及非官方的慈善團體,致力發揚電影文化,推廣光影藝術。 支持我們:[email protected]
Filmart: HKIFF Industry Looks to Expand on China’s Animation Boom
1 天前 · HKIFF Industry obviously has its eyes on tapping into the overall growth of animation in China, where the market currently generates around $22 billion per year. But there’s action in other ...
放映時間表 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
2025年3月1日 · HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友. * 請 按此 參閱有關Dogme 95的備註。. 即日購票安排 : 城市售票網售票處於放映前一小時停止售票,觀眾可於城市售票網網站、流動應用程式或該放映場地的自助售票機購買剩餘門票,售完即止。; 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕,但不另設中文字幕。
48th Hong Kong International Film Festival - Wikipedia
The 48th Hong Kong International Film Festival (Chinese: 第48屆香港國際電影節) took place from 28 March to 8 April 2024. Fruit Chan was selected as the Filmmaker in Focus for this edition and masterclasses led by Víctor Erice and Martin McDonagh were featured.. The festival opened with the Hong Kong LGBTQ-themed drama All Shall Be Well by Ray Yeung and closed with the Japanese drama ...
第49届香港国际电影节 - 百度百科
香港国际电影节(hkiff)成立于1976年,是亚洲历史悠久的国际电影节,奥斯卡资格赛,也是向世界介绍香港、华语和亚洲电影及电影人的先驱。 电影节每年在全港约10个主要文化场地放映来自50多个国家的200多部影片,是香港盛大的文化活动之一。
The 49th Hong Kong International Film Festival
Founded in 1976, the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) is Asia’s longest-running international film festival and a pioneer in introducing Hong Kong, Chinese-language and Asian cinema and filmmakers to the world. Screening over 200 titles from more than 50 countries in various major cultural venues across the territory, the …
Hong Kong International Film Festival - FilmFreeway
Founded in 1976, the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) is Asia’s oldest international film festival and a pioneer in introducing Hong Kong, Chine...