Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation (HKIHT)
Welcome to the website of the Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation (HKIHT). We are a learned society for professional practitioners working in the Hong Kong SAR in the fields of highways engineering and transportation planning.
About Us 關於本會 - hkiht
Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation (HKIHT) was formally established by the Founding President the late Mr. H. S. Kwong in 1999. Since then, HKIHT has become a learned society comprising professional practitioners and academics from highway engineering and transportation fields of Hong Kong S.A.R., which has strong connection ...
Council 理事會 - hkiht
Welcome to the website of the Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation (香港公路學會).
Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation
Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation | 77 followers on LinkedIn. A learned society for professionals working in the fields of highways engineering and transportation planning.
Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation 香港公路學會 - HKIHT
廣東省公路學會團體標準T/GDHS 002-2020《廣東公路橋樑擠擴支盤樁技術規程》自2020年12月發佈以來,在實際工程應用中取得了顯著成效,並積累了不少新的技術成果,為此次修訂工作奠定了堅實的基礎。 2022年10月份,在廣東省公路學會的邀請下,香港公路學會在此次標準修訂過程中積極相應和大力支持,推薦香港相關單位和技術專家參與標準的編寫和審核工作。 在標準的徵求意見階段,香港公路學會提出了由粵港澳三方學會聯合發佈標準的建議,這不僅有助於標準的 …
Hybrid Event: Hong Kong Institution of Highways & Transportation ...
2021年12月2日 · Name of Event: HKIHT – Hong Kong Institution of Highways & Transportation Regional Conference 2021. Date & Time: Thursday, December 9th 2021 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (HKT) Location: Online AND Golden Egg Lecture Hall (Charles Kao Auditorium), Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, Pak Shek Kok, Shatin, Hong Kong. Language (s): Mandarin.
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香港公路学会文件 1016 CN
论坛将围绕交通数字化转型、智慧道路建设和管养、智能网联汽车和车路协同等主题,邀请有关领导和专家学者作主旨演讲和学术交流,分享交通行业创新发展的新理念、新技术和新成果。 (一)特邀领导及嘉宾; (二)港、沪、甬、 粤公路学会领导及相关公路交通行政主管部门、 设计、 科研、 施工、监理、养护检测等单位管理及工程技术人员。 (一)参加21日会议:人民币 1,000 元/ 人( 注1); (二)参加21日会议和晚宴:人民币 2,000 元/ 人( 注2); (* 费用细则、付款方式等信息详见附件报名表) …
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
HKIHT Half Day Seminar 2023 - Bridging the Generations: A Tribute to Bridges Across Time. Date and Time: 7 Oct 2023 (Sat) 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Organized by Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation Co-Organized by Institution of Civil Engineers The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Civil Division The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ...
Membership 會籍 - hkiht
As an integrated multi-modal organization, HKIHT membership are formed from a wide range of discipline including: Professional development through a program of technical visits, presentations and low cost seminars on topical issues. Networking opportunities at regional and national social and technical events and meetings.
2024 Shanghai-Hong Kong-Ningbo Transportation Technology
2024年11月27日 · Under both the direction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the strategic framework of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, HKIHT will take a leading role by leveraging Hong Kong's unique advantages in technological innovation, high-quality development, international relationships and professional services to encourage enhanced ...