Hong Kong Legal Information Institute | HKLII
HKLII provides free access to Hong Kong legal information, including judgments and legislations.
Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII)
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Hong Kong Legal Information Institute - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (Chinese: 香港法律資訊中心, HKLII; pronounced "H K Lee") is a non-governmental organisation in Hong Kong. Its mission is to provide free access to primary legal materials (and some publicly available secondary material) from Hong Kong. [1]
2015年7月24日 · 香港法律資訊中心 (HKLII) 是一個免費、獨立及非營利的網站,目的是推廣及支持香港之法治精神,讓大眾取得所需的法律資料。 以下介紹本網站的使用方式: 在頁面左側(如上圖紅色框內)收錄了香港各法院的判決書,您可點選想看的法院判決書,例如:終審法院。 判決書是根據年分排列,您可以點選所需年份的判決書來閱讀。 您亦可使用畫面上方的快速搜尋框,用關鍵字去查找相關資訊。 或是利用高級搜尋,輸入關鍵字,再按著 Ctrl 按鍵,用滑鼠點選您 …
HKLII Migration Notice - University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) is a free access legal information system developed and jointly operated by HKU Faculty of Law and the Department of Computer Science.
HKLII Incorporates New AI-Powered Features
Over the past two years, Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) has been working hard to enhance its platform’s capabilities through the integration of AI technologies. The team is excited to announce the successful deployment of these AI-powered functionalities, designed to make legal research on our platform more efficient.
Case Analytics - HKLII
Group and count the number of defendants in each age group in a Grouped Bar Chart. A table showing the average sentencing starting point of male drug trafficking defendants, grouped by their respective age and year of commission of offence. Track the changes of the average amount of PSLA awarded to Plaintiffs with serious injuries since 2000.
Check out the new HKLII! - Faculty of Law, The University of Hong …
2021年2月24日 · The new HKLII will be faster, more user-friendly, giving you easy access to Hong Kong judgments, legislation and other legal materials. New features include: – enhanced autocomplete search function covering 53 databases. The launch of the new website marks the next chapter in the development of HKLII.
Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII)
This database contains Ordinances of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China.
The Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (Hklii): Its Role in Free ...
2004年3月9日 · The main features of the new Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) are described, and its differences from pre-existing systems. HKLII is the first LII in Asia: a free, independent, and non-profit Internet facility providing relatively comprehensive coverage of the essential legal information of a jurisdiction (Hong Kong).