Boeing Vertol 107 – Wikipedia
Alla Flygvapnets tio helikoptrar samt Marinflygets första fyra tillverkades av Boeing Vertol (BV 107) och fick den militära beteckningen hkp 4A respektive hkp 4B. Senare köpte Marinflyget in ytterligare åtta helikoptrar, som nu tillverkades av Kawasaki (KV 107) och dessa fick beteckningen hkp 4C (inledningsvis var avsikten att beteckna KV ...
AirHistory.net - Boeing Vertol Hkp 4B aircraft photos
Wearing its attractive splinter camouflage, the Hkp4 was primarily used in the Anti-Submarine Warfare and Search And Rescue roles by both the Flygvapnet and the Marinflyget from 1963 until 2011 when it was retired from active service. Seen performing at …
List of military aircraft of Sweden - Wikipedia
Four Hkp 4A rebuilt to Hkp 4D SAR/ASW standard, used as such by the Air Force for land based ASW operations. Des. Anti-armour. After 1999 only used for transport and training. Helicopters that entered after a 1998 re-organisation/merger. All the above active helicopters that were active were merged into this service. Des. In service from 2011.
04070 – Nordic Rotors
This helicopter was constructed in 1974 and delivered to the Swedish Navy in late May 1974. The Swedish Navy and Air Force had a total of 14 Vertol 107 helicopters (4+10) at that time. The helicopters had been in service as HKP 4A and HKP 4B from 1963, but as the Navy retired its lighter HKP 1s (Vertol 44) the need for further helicopters grew.
Boeing Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight - Wikipedia
The Boeing Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight is an American medium-lift tandem-rotor transport helicopter powered by twin turboshaft engines. It was designed by Vertol and manufactured by Boeing Vertol following Vertol's acquisition by Boeing.
Helikoptern – Vertolens Vänner
1960 ville försvaret upphandla en ny helikoptertyp för att på sikt ersätta Vertol 44B (HKP 1). Marinen, som då hade mest erfarenhet av helikoptrar, fick uppdraget att åt samtliga vapenslag undersöka marknaden efter en lämplig helikoptertyp.
CH-46运输直升机 - 百度百科
hkp-4b用于反潜和扫雷任务,尾部安装了搜索雷达,并配备了吊放声呐,进攻武器为4枚自导鱼雷或6枚特别为浅海反潜设计的深弹。 1968年一架HKP-4B坠毁,波音提供了一架经过翻新“海骑士”最为替换。
HKP.4B | The hammer from the sky - Helicopter - War Thunder
Nov 24, 2024 · The HKP.4B was born from the original HKP.4A, redesigning the original into a ASW system. While it is often mistaken for the Boeing CH-47 “Chinook,” it is actually a Boeing CH-46 “Sea Knight” also known as “Boeing Vertol-107-II.”
Boeing Vertol / Boeing Helicopters 107 / CH-46 Sea Knight
The Boeing Vertol 107 / CH-46 Sea Knight is a twin-engined tandem rotor medium transport helicopter produced by the US-American manufacturer Vertol Aircraft Corporation and later …
Boeing Vertol 107/H-46 Sea Knight aircraft photos - AirHistory.net
The Försvarsmakten (Swedish defense forces) bought 22 Vertol 107s in 1963 for both the Flygvapnet (designated HKP 4A) and Marinen (4B and 4C).This particular 4B served at Berga and was mainly used for submarine hunting, minesweeping and various rescue missions.