The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Established in 1911, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is the territory’s oldest institute of higher learning and also an internationally recognized, research led, comprehensive university.
香港大學 (HKU) - The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
香港大學於一九一一年成立,是本地歷史最悠久的高等教育學府;今天的港大教研並重,是一所研究型綜合大學,備受國際 ...
Home | Admissions Office, the Registry
The LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has launched a four-year full-time Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry) track for degree holders, referred to as the 'MBBS (Graduate Entry)'.
Vision & Mission - About HKU - HKU - The University of Hong …
The University of Hong Kong Vision. The University of Hong Kong, Asia’s Global University, delivers impact through internationalisation, innovation and interdisciplinarity. It attracts and nurtures global scholars through excellence in research, teaching and …
内地高考 | Admissions Office, the Registry - University of Hong Kong
港大的内地招生计划不同于内地高校统一招生机制,有其独立的报名程序。申请人须在港大内地招生官网(www.hku.hk/mainland)完成以下申请程序。 填妥网上申请表格; 缴交申请费港币四百五十元整; 高考成绩公布后,再次登入网上申请系统上传高考成绩
About HKU - HKU - The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Established in 1911, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is the territory’s oldest institute of higher learning and also an internationally recognized, research led, comprehensive university.
Home | Admissions Office, the Registry - University of Hong Kong
The LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has launched a four-year full-time Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry) track for degree holders, referred to as the 'MBBS (Graduate Entry)'.
About HKU - Visitors - HKU - The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
About HKU. About HKU; University Today; The Early Years; From Post-War to the New Millennium; Multimedia; Visiting Us. Visit HKU; Visitor Centre; Heritage Buildings; University Museum & Art Gallery; Stephen Hui Geological Museum; Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole; Souvenirs. HKU Souvenirs; Museum Store ; Filming Requests. Filming on HKU Campus; Wedding ...
International Qualifications | Admissions Office, the Registry
We are delighted to invite you to apply to study at the University of Hong Kong. Our excellent academic standards, diverse campus, and extensive global programmes are just some of the many reasons why HKU is the leading university for outstanding students in Hong Kong and a favourite destination for bright minds from around the world.
Social Sciences Summer Programme 2025 - Secondary School …
For students currently staying in Hong Kong holding a valid student visa (NOT a dependent visa), if you are currently studying at another local university, you are not eligible to apply for any courses at HKU. This restriction is due to the conditions of your current student visa.