Royal Hong Kong Regiment - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong Defence Corps, renamed the " Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps " (HKVDC), met their severest test in the bitter fighting that took place in the crucial weeks before the fall of Hong Kong on Christmas Day 1941.
皇家香港軍團 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1878年, 香港炮兵來福槍義勇軍 (英語: Hong Kong Artillery and Rifle Volunteer Corps,縮寫:HKARVC) [註 2] 成立,於1899年參與進駐 新界,雖然當時的義勇軍是志願性質,但由於英國商人在香港從事 洋行 業務,亦招聘不少英國人到香港工作,所以兵員充足,而且部分志願者曾於英國從軍,使義勇軍有足夠領導人才,港督 彌敦 及 盧吉 也很支持義勇軍的運作,故此義勇軍雖屬後備軍,但在香港防務也擔當重要角色 [11]。 1914年爆發 第一次世界大戰,駐港英軍因歐洲 …
皇家香港军团 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
皇家香港军团 (英语: Royal Hong Kong Regiment, 简称: RHKR),亦称 皇家香港军团(义勇军) (英语: Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers), 简称: RHKR (V)),又称 香港义勇军 (英语: Hong Kong Volunteers),或简称 义勇军,是 英属香港政府 成立的 香港 本地军事单位,组建历史可追溯至1854年 [1]。 军团隶属于英属香港政府,并由香港政府自行调动;而在战时则由 驻港英军 司令指挥。
皇家香港军团 - 百度百科
1949年,香港防卫队改组为香港军团(The Hong Kong Regiment,HKR),成为香港义勇防卫军(The Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps ,HKVDC)的一部份,香港义勇防卫军辖下亦另有空军及海军单位。
Hong Kong War Diary
I have a G. Yoong No 5183 Sgt. Corps Signals, HKVDC whom I presume is the name you seek. He died in Shamshuipo POW Camp 8/9/42” (25b-Gomes). Awarded posthumous Engineering degree at HKU in 1942 (22-301).
Hong Kong's Naval Dockyards were bustling places between the wars. the great majority of the employees were contracted by 'agreement' from dockyards abroad.2 When Alfred Reginald Lee married Rose Ivy Hawthorne at Portsmouth in the early 1930s, for example, both were working at the Royal Naval Dockyard at Portsmouth, England.
Hong Kong Volunteers Chindits
Most were regular soldiers with the Royal Artillery (RA), Royal Engineers (RE), and Hong Kong Chinese Regiment (HKCR) or volunteers with the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps (HKVDC) and the Hong Kong Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves (HKRNVR).
The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)
There were also the Field Company Engineers of the HKVDC, who were responsible for the demolitions of road and railway from Fanling to Shatin, and their 7 armored cars, responsible for patrolling the Castle Peak Road area.
Bronze - Home
2023年4月27日 · The Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps (HKVDC) came into existence in 1854. It was disbanded, revived and survived under various titles, and was generally called ‘the Volunteers'. The HKVDC personnel fought side by side with the regular forces during the Battle for Hong Kong in 1941.
Military History: No. 1 Battery, HKVDC - Blogger
2020年5月2日 · The Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps (HKVDC) was mobilised following the declaration of a State of Emergency on Sunday 7 December 1941. No. 1 Battery, HKVDC, was responsible for a battery of two 4-inch naval guns located on a hillside at Cape D’Aguilar on the south-eastern extremity of Hong Kong Island.