Is the FG42 worth unlocking? : r/HellLetLoose - Reddit
StG44 is a better gun in every category and automatic rifleman gets very little ammo with the FG42. Auto rifleman: no Sniper: absolutely. It would be ok for the auto rifleman if he got maybe double the mag count. The rate of fire combined with the low mag count makes it a chore to use.
The FG-42 issue and solution :: Hell Let Loose General Discussions
2022年4月21日 · My solution would be to replace the STG on the assault class with the FG and remove the FG from automatic rifleman. This would reduce the amount of STGs in play and make seeing the FG more rare as they were rare in real life.
Unlocked FG-42 today after a bit of a grind, just some thoughts.
2022年7月30日 · Hell Let Loose is a platoon-based, realistic, multiplayer first-person shooting game for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, set during the Second World War. Unlocked FG-42 today after a bit of a grind, just some thoughts. I haven't heard much about this weapon, nor seen it/gone against it ingame almost at all.
FG42 - An honest review - Hell Let Loose - YouTube
Is the hype real for the FG42 and the FG42 sniper in Hell Let Loose?The Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 or paratrooper rifle 42 was one the most advanced infantry w...
The FG42 is complete bullshit : r/HellLetLoose - Reddit
The FG42 and M1897 are the latest monuments to the travesty of authenticity that HLL historically is. The first sign of the FG going south harder than FDR heading directly to hell was when Max - asked about the FG or something on discord - said they had "both the early and late model, scope and no scope, bipod and no bipod, and both the 10 and ...
FG 42 :: Hell Let Loose General Discussions - Steam Community
2020年6月4日 · How do you build a team-play based game on a foundation in which all players actively want to succeed alone? Weapon should be added only if there's a battle added involving Fallschirmjäger. Then limited in the squad loadout. It shouldn't be something to grind for. Originally posted by Andy: Originally posted by Jewpacabra: Yes it was very rare.
打算入坑,想问一下这游戏有fg42吗?哪个兵种能用?【战争附言 …
打算入坑,想问一下这..请问拿FG-42的空降猎兵是每个小队一个的特装吗回复 贴吧用户_7E6NP1X :满编队长可拿,此外每两个队伍还有一个fg42机枪手。 打算入坑,想问一下这游戏有fg42吗?
Hell Let Loose - Update 11 : Hands-On With The FG-42 Sniper
Brought out the FG-42 Sniper to get a hands-on first impression. Unfortunately the server I was on began to empty out and I was only able to briefly test it...
My Initial Impressions of the New Scoped FG42! : r/HellLetLoose - Reddit
2021年12月7日 · Hell Let Loose is a platoon-based, realistic, multiplayer first-person shooting game for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, set during the Second World War. My Initial Impressions of the New Scoped FG42! Man, imagine being able to get sniper enough times to rank to level 3. They changed the scope?
FG42 II, where is the squad that unlock it,s upgrades
2023年12月22日 · I have unlocked the FG42 II, and suprise, no one of my squads have the upgrade tree for it. if you guys, know what squad do so. please help me. cheers. and thank you for reading.