The HLL Tank Bible
2022年9月20日 · From how many shots it takes every tank in the game to kill every other tank in the game on every surface, to damage values on all AT weapons, to detailed descriptions of driving and MG mechanics and much more, the Tank Bible has you covered.
Documentation of HLL's RCON protocol and all available commands
2024年12月1日 · HLL servers open up a RCON port that lets people connect via TCP. All communication is and should be encrypted with a XOR cipher, of which the key will be sent upon opening the socket connection. A few implementations can be found here: Commands are simply (encrypted) strings with no special headers and the like.
HELL LET LOOSE人间地狱,装甲介绍(三) - 知乎专栏
游戏处于抢先体验状态,按宣传来看,后面 T-34系列 会有、盟军会有 萤火虫,轴心方面会有四号和 虎王,后面出现了的话在更新。 概述,HLL中的 装甲 是非常重要的力量,目前语音常常崩溃,老手车长很难给新手进行战场指导,这就需要很多新手通过教程先明白很多基础知识。 我这边尽量在文章和后续中讲述。 1、无论谁创建了一个坦克三人组,都将自动成为坦克车长,并且不能改变这个角色。 坦克车长特殊处主要是以下几点: 它有一把冲锋枪和一个望远镜. 作为一名队 …
Commander | Hell Let Loose Wiki | Fandom
Each team has 1 Commander slot available. The Commander's role is to direct the efforts of their team by communicating objectives to unit leaders. The Commander also possesses powerful offensive and defensive abilities to aid in the completion of those objectives.
List of all HLL tanks + A4 versions : r/HellLetLoose - Reddit
2022年2月21日 · 143 votes, 27 comments. 144K subscribers in the HellLetLoose community. Hell Let Loose is a platoon-based, realistic, multiplayer first-person…
Hell Let Loose | Devastating Little Tank | #hellletloose - YouTube
2023年10月26日 · Welcome back to another Hell Let Loose video. You find us in a Soviet T70. It may be a light tank, but with right crew it can be a devastating l...
Kharkov is an outstanding map and the tweaks to the Russian
But easily the standout for me is the new Kharkov map, the T70, and the changes to the Russian loadouts. I personally really enjoy Kursk and Stalingrad. But I would agree from a balance perspective they are far from the best maps, and both heavily favour the Germans.
I Present! The flying T-70!! : r/HellLetLoose - Reddit
2022年12月6日 · Hell Let Loose is a platoon-based, realistic, multiplayer first-person shooting game for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, set during the Second World War. I Present! The flying T-70!! “What your seeing is advanced warfare.”
HLL: I satcheled T70, friend rocketed enemy T34 #xboxhll #hll
Highlighted off of my Twitch streams. Twitch.tv/InAgonyEveryday
HLL: AT gun supply truck then T70 #HLL #HellLetLoose
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/inagonyeveryday