Lands Department - Paper Map
2025年3月11日 · Printed in colour and with contours depicted at 20m interval, this general purpose map series serves many purposes and is often used by schools in the teaching of map reading. Scouts and hikers also find this very suitable for use in hiking and orienteering activities. HM20C/2 is the black and white version. HM20C Map Index
地政總署 - 紙品地圖 - Lands D
HM20C/2是本組別之黑白版。 這單張地圖是以彩色印製展示香港全境地貌,及以暈渲法和分層設色表示地形高度,繪有高距 50米的等高線。 如欲檢視或列印以上文件(PDF 檔案),請使用 Adobe Reader 軟件。 檢視下載檔案時如有疑難,請更新你的 Adobe Reader 軟體版本。
For general reference, the Mean Sea Level is about 1.3 metres above the HKPD. 0.15*' 0 Submarine contour lines are derived from Nautical Charts. They are based on the Chart Datum which is 0.15 metres below the Hong Kong Principal Datum and are given in metres.
HKMS 2.0 - Useful Info - hkmapservice.gov.hk
1:20 000 HM20C Series is a colour map. It comprises 16 sheets covering the whole territory of Hong Kong. Sheet 1 is designed as a title sheet with legend for the wall map, which is joined together by 15 other sheets. Contours are shown at 20-metre intervals. This general purpose map is often used by schools for studying map reading.
HKMS 2.0 - Useful Info - hkmapservice.gov.hk
1 : 20 000比例 hm20c 是一套彩色地圖,共有 16 張,覆蓋了整個香港。 圖幅一是標題及圖例,若與其餘的 15 張合併起來,便成了一張掛牆地圖,圖上顯示有高距為20 米的等高線。
HK Maps
Hong Kong Historic Maps - Map Details. Map Details. Year: Title: Image: 1771: Map of part of the coast of China: ... Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories (HM20C) 1985.1: Hong Kong (L885) 1985.2: Hong Kong & Kowloon Survey Sheets: 1986: Hong Kong & Kowloon Survey Sheets: 1987: The Territory of Hong Kong (HM20C)
地形圖 HM20C Topographic Maps 1:20,000【必須到店取;Must …
特點‧ 全套地圖共有 16 張涵蓋了整個香港,其中編號1的圖幅列出標題及圖例‧ 地圖以彩色印製,等高線的高距為 20 米‧ 適合多種用途;學校多採用為地圖閱讀的教材,童軍及遠足人士亦多用作遠足及野外定向活動之用Features‧ There are 16 sheets covering the whole ...
HM20C HONG KONG MAP HM20C SHEET 13 - overlander.com.hk
Printed in colour and with contours depicted at 20m interval, this general purpose map series serves many purposes and is often used by schools in the teaching of map reading. Scouts and hikers also find this very suitable for use in hiking and orienteering activities. HM20C/2 is the black and white version.
地政總署 - 數碼地圖 - Lands D
涵蓋香港全境的數碼地形圖,已於網上應用系統「香港地圖服務 2.0」下載。 測繪處不斷更新數據庫的地圖資料。 所有地圖資料以無縫無框的延續方法儲存。 數碼地圖採用香港 1980 方格網座標系統,參照香港水平基準量度高度,以米為單位。 有關數碼式地圖的擁有權在任何時候均屬香港特別行政區政府所擁有。 數碼式地圖的位置準確度與來源資料相近。 比例 1:1000 的數碼式地圖是從原本的比例 1:1000 測量圖(HP1C 組別)或相同準確度的實地測量資料衍生製成。 這與比例 …
地 圖 及 指 南 針 運 用 - moonskyedu.com
香港行山的常用地圖是地形圖HM20C, 究竟HM20C是甚麼意思? 這套地圖共有 16張涵蓋了整個香港,地圖以彩色印製,等高線的高距為 20米。 童軍及遠足人士多用作遠足及野外定向活動之用。 3. 地圖保養. 原張地圖好大張, 攤開及回收都好麻煩, 又不好拿上手, 麻煩就不會用, 做成失誤, 好多時行程不會經過全張地圖, 某些角落是不會用到, 而有些部分是海洋, 沒用的, 所以建議將地圖一切成四份, 平時拿有用的一份便可, 有需要時才拿出其他部份拼砌回整張地圖, 這樣便可將地圖拿在手 …
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