VIVE Pro HMD Setup Guide | VIVE
IMPORTANT: VIVE Pro needs the latest software and driver versions to run VR content. Make sure that required VIVE and SteamVR software are installed. If not, download and install via VIVE Setup .
About the VIVE Pro HMD
Putting on the VIVE Pro HMD; What does the status light on the headset mean? About the link box; Connecting the headset to your computer
To use VIVE Pro, your computer must meet the following system requirements. To find out if your computer is ready for VR, download and run the Vive Quick Compatibility Check. Before using VIVE Pro with Windows 7 SP1, you're required to download and install the latest driver updates.
VIVE Pro HMD 設定指南 | VIVE
安裝 vive 軟體,設置基地台,一對 vive 控制器。 重要資訊: 基地台與 vive 控制器未包含在 vive pro hmd 套件內。您可另外從 vive 商店購買這些硬體。
VR的硬件技术(1)—— HMD 头显篇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HMD定位技术. 外置激光定位 通过外置的激光发射器对设备进行定位,特点是,速度快,位置准,缺点是 成本高。HTC vive 便是用了此种方式( Lighthouse 技术,由 Valve 公司研制 )。
HTC America Vive Virtual Reality System - amazon.com
VIVE VIDEO - An immersive, cinematic VR video player for standard, 3D, 180 and 360 degree videos. Available free on VIVEPORT and Steam. VIVEPORT INFINITY – Get 2 months of unlimited VR play of 700+ games & apps. Code included in box. This product is available as Renewed. 2 Lithium Polymer batteries required.
HTC Vive Announces Price of Vive Pro HMD at $799, Pre-orders …
2018年3月19日 · HTC Vive™ today announced that the HTC Vive Pro™ Head Mounted Display (HMD) will be available for $799 with global pre-orders starting now. The company also announced a $100 price reduction for the current Vive full kit, bringing it down to $499.
關於 VIVE Pro 頭戴式顯示器 (HMD)
關於 vive pro 頭戴式顯示器 (hmd) 頭戴式顯示器是您進入虛擬實境環境的窗口。 頭戴式顯示器上有感應器,這些感應器可由基地台追蹤。
主机VR领域中HMD的三大厂商设备都有什么特点? - 知乎
HTC早期依赖Valve的灯塔追踪技术,Vive是最早的使用双6DoF追踪手柄的VR系统,于是大获成功,一度占据市占比第一的宝座。 然后就不思进取疯狂坑钱,被Oculus把市占比第一的宝座抢下来了。
關於 VIVE Pro 頭戴式顯示器 (HMD)
設定後如何開啟 vive 系統? 遊玩區建議的空間大小為何? 可以將家具佔用的空間包含在遊玩區內嗎? 虛擬實境應用程式的僅限坐姿/站姿體驗能否在房間尺度設定下使用? 如何解決 vive 安裝程式安裝期間遇到的下載錯誤? 我無法完成空間設定。我該怎麼做?