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XPS and magnetic measurements for perovskite-type HoRh3B
1999年2月1日 · An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) measurements are performed to determine the chemical states of Ho, Rh and B both on the stoichiometric and the B-defect compounds. Magnetic properties are also measured on both samples.
Fig. 3 XPS spectra of Ho 4d 3/2 lines of Ba 0.97 Ho 0.03 TiO 3 …
Nanocrystalline Ho-doped BaTiO3, with average nanocrystals size of 20nm, have been prepared using a sol–gel combustion technique. The structural and morphological properties of the powders have...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - ScienceDirect
2022年2月15日 · Here, we report the systematic investigation of structural and magnetic/magnetocaloric properties of Ho 2 MMnO 6 compounds with M = Fe, Co, and Ni, which are representative 3d transition metals. An X-ray photoemission (XPS) analysis was performed to reveal the Mn 4+ /Mn 3+ ionic distribution.
Сrystal structure, valence state of ions and magnetic properties of ...
2020年11月25日 · In this study we have examined the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the HoFeO 3 and HoFe 0.8 Sc 0.2 O 3 by means of XRD, FE-SEM, XPS spectroscopy and Mössbauer spectroscopy.
XPS spectra of (a) Ho 4d, (b) Lu 4d, (c) Yb 4d, and (d) Eu 3d of ...
In this study, the oxidation behaviors and failure mechanisms of Si‐based bond coatings were reviewed. The large growth rate and phase transformation of thermally grown oxides (TGOs, SiO2)...
Tables - XPS Photoelectron Scale - 中国科学技术大学
161 Ho4d: 289 Gd4p1: 437 Hf4p1: 655 Os4s: 930 I3p1: 1300 Ca1s: 38 Pr5s : 81 Hg5p1: 163 Bi4f5: 290 Os4d3 * 439 Ca2s: 657 Zn A * 931 Pr3d5: 1300 Th4s: 38 Hf5p1: 83 Re5s * 163 S2p3: 290 Th4s: 440 Ge A: 664 Zn A: 932 Cs A: 1301 Nd3p3: 39 Sr4s * 84 Au4f7: 164 S2p1: 291 Se A * 440 Bi4d5 * 667 In3p3 * 932 Cu2p3: 1305 B A: 40 Ba5s: 84 Os5s * 164 Se3p3 ...
XPS measurements of the Ho 4d and Si 2s core-levels
Figure 2 shows the Ho 4d and Si 2s core-level XPS spectra of Au-Si-Ho (100). The close vicinity in binding energies of these two elements impacts the Ho 4d background, leading to difficulties...
XPS 可以用来研究Ho3+离子修饰TiO 2 纳米晶 电极表面的原子分布.图1是TiO2/Ho鄄0.4、TiO2/ Ho鄄0.8 和TiO2/Ho鄄2.0 三个电极的XPS 曲线. 从图1 谱线a 可见,Ho4d峰位于161.7eV. 由 于TiO2/Ho鄄0.1 和TiO2/Ho鄄0.2 两个电极表面的Ho3+ 图1 Ho3+ 修饰TiO 2 电极的XPS 图 Fig.1...
(XPS) – The Highlights • Elemental and chemical state analysis of the outer surface of a solid samples • Effective probing depth 5-10 nm • Varies slightly with sample composition • Can be varied with electron take- off (or sample) angle • Detects elements from lithium to uranium • Quantitative • 0.01 to 0.5 atomic % detection limits