Hoary-headed Grebe - eBird
Small ducklike bird that rides low in the water. In breeding plumage note distinctive streaked head and pale neck. In non-breeding plumage it is much paler, with the dark cap extending to just …
Hoary-headed grebe - Wikipedia
The hoary-headed grebe (Poliocephalus poliocephalus) is a member of the grebe family. It breeds in southern parts of Australia; it winters throughout the island of Tasmania. The bird takes its …
灰头䴙䴘(英文名:Hoary-headed Grebe,学名:Poliocephalus poliocephalus),是䴙䴘目䴙䴘科灰头䴙䴘属的鸟类。
Hoary-headed Grebe - Birds in Backyards
The Hoary-headed Grebe is a small stocky grebe. This grebe has a darkish grey and white plumage, an inconspicuous brown iris, a square black 'chin', and breeding adults develop a …
Hoary-headed Grebe: Astonishing Facts and Insights of An …
2024年7月24日 · The hoary-headed grebe (Poliocephalus poliocephalus) is an enchanting waterbird known for its distinctive appearance and captivating behaviors. It is often spotted …
灰头䴙䴘 - Hoary-headed Grebe - Poliocephalus poliocephalus
灰头䴙䴘 (英文名:Hoary-headed Grebe,学名: Poliocephalus poliocephalus),是䴙䴘目䴙䴘科灰头䴙䴘属的小型水鸟。 其最显著的特征是头部银白色条纹,常见于澳大利亚南部和塔 …
Hoary-headed Grebe - Birds SA
Hoary-headed Grebes are monotypic having no subspecies (Poliocephalus poliocephalus -Jardine & Selby, 1827). Males and females are alike except the male is slightly larger and …
Hoary-headed Grebe | Poliocephalus poliocephalus | Species …
The Hoary-headed Grebe, scientifically known as Poliocephalus poliocephalus, is a small grebe with a distinctive appearance. Its plumage is primarily dark grey and white, with a brown eye …
Hoary-headed Grebe (Poliocephalus poliocephalus)
Hoary-headed Grebes are one of two small species of grebes in Australia. Their non-breeding plumage is dark brown-grey on the back nape of the neck and cap, near-white on the front of …
Ang: Hoary-headed Grebe - Oiseaux-Birds
The Hoary-headed Grebe is found throughout Australia and Tasmania where it frequents open, fresh or brackish waters. It feeds on aquatic invertebrates and various insects caught after …