Habbo - Virtual World, Avatar Chat, and Pixel Art
Habbo is one of the most popular virtual worlds on the planet! Meet new people and make new friends, plus with numerous user-created roleplaying groups focused on hospitals, police stations and intelligence agencies, there really is something for everyone.
哈粉宾馆 - 完全免费 自由创造 ‖ 就是要开心|哈宝|交友|像素|比皮卡堂好玩|派对|游戏|HABBO…
目前 138 位哈宝在宾馆! 这个创想世界,人人都很酷。 什么是 哈粉宾馆? 哈粉宾馆的前身是哈宝中国,这是一款像素图形化社区网页游戏,2000年诞生于芬兰,2006年进入中国推出中文版。 经过多年发展与完善,哈粉宾馆已经成为一个独立稳定的非盈利游戏,向所有喜爱哈宝的玩家们免费 …
What is Habbo? - Habbo
Habbo is a free to play game, so you can explore a vast world of rooms, complete quests, chat and win prizes without ever having to pay a thing! Some in-game 'extras' like pets, Habbo Club membership, Builders Club membership and furniture can be purchased with Habbo Credits.
How to play - Habbo
Habbo is one of the most popular virtual worlds on the planet! Meet new people and make new friends, plus with numerous user-created roleplaying groups focused on hospitals, police stations and intelligence agencies, there really is something for everyone.
哈宝 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《哈宝》 (英语:Habbo) 是一款来自芬兰的,始创于2000年以 虚拟现实 为目标的大型 网络游戏。 运行此游戏需要 Adobe 公司的 Flash Player 插件。
Habbo - Wikipedia
Habbo, also called Habbo Hotel, is a virtual world [1] and massively multiplayer online game. It is owned and operated by Sulake. Founded in 2000, Habbo has expanded to nine online communities (or "hotels"), with users from more than 150 countries. As of October 2020, 316 million avatars have been registered in the game. [2]
哈宝百科Habbo Wiki | 中国哈粉网: 哈粉宾馆
哈粉宾馆 (hf.bobba.cn)是一款来自芬兰的五星级酒店式虚拟社区网页 游戏,只需一个浏览器你就能轻松体验。 在这个神奇的宾馆里,最大的乐趣莫过于可以和来自五湖四海的玩家们一起玩耍娱乐,甚至结交友谊,共同度过愉快的时光。 除了举办轰趴(派对),谈天说地,在 哈粉宾馆 里最重要的事情当属利用富有特色的 家具 系统创造出各种极具创意的房间了,这些房间既可以是使用高级技巧制作出的观赏性房间,也可以是使用有线 家具 制作出的好玩的 游戏 房间,不怕你做不 …
Habbo - Original Virtual World on the App Store
Habbo, the EPIC original social and building MMO game is now available on your mobile device! With stunning pixel art graphics and a community built on over 300 million accounts worldwide, Habbo provides an immersive virtual world where you can chat, role play, make friends, build and participate in challenges and games.
哈宝百科Habbo Wiki | 中国哈粉网
欢迎来到中文 哈宝百科 Wiki系統,这里是为了设置 哈宝 相关资料而设立的。 目前一些项目已经陆续完成中。 如果找不到您要的条目,您可协助 新建条目。 有问题可在下方的留言板留言,或是在 哈粉网? 哈粉 讨论区讨论。 请勿尝试编辑本页面以及 左边侧栏,为了维持入口版面一致,这二个页面是有锁密码的,其他页面则可自由编辑不受限制。 如果你看到什么需要改进的地方,就大胆编辑吧! 即使弄坏,也有备份所以没关系,这就是Wiki的精神。 哈宝,不黄不暴力! 一个真正 …
Habbo Wiki - Fandom
Habbo, Join millions in the planet's most popular virtual world for teens. Create your avatar, meet new friends, role play, and build amazing spaces. Habbo is a social networking service and online community aimed at teenagers. The website is owned and operated by Sulake, a …