Instant Guide to 2.6 Hog Cycle's Mindset : r/ClashRoyale - Reddit
2020年9月8日 · 2.6 Hog Cycle Basics To put it simply, this is a chip deck, where you defend as much as possible while playing hog riders with minimal support for damage. Minimal support includes cards like ice spirit, ice golem, and later into the game, prediction spells.
Is Hog 2.6 actually a no-skill deck? : r/ClashRoyale - Reddit
2020年5月2日 · Nevertheless, I encountered a lot of players saying the 2.6 is a no-skill deck, you just have to spam Hog and profit. Now again, in the comments of the new CWA video ("HOG CYCLE GOD - "2.6 Will be SO much better!"), some guys are calling this deck no-skill and want a hog nerf. I don't think Hog is that OP, I lose a lot as a 2.6 player.
[Deck Guide] 2.6 Hog Rider : r/ClashRoyale - Reddit
2018年12月18日 · Quick edit: deck is Hog, musketeer, cannon, log, fireball, skeletons, ice spirits, and ice golem. The 2.6 hog deck is a very traditional hog deck that has stuck around for over 2 years since clash royale was released, so I thought it would be a good idea to give it an revamp by introducing the deck to many of yall vets and starters!
Guide on Countering Hog 2.6 : r/ClashRoyale - Reddit
2022年2月1日 · Hog 2.6 is the most hated deck according to the subreddit. It pretty much defends a 30 elixir push so easily. BUT, Hog 2.6 takes a lot of skill like Dynamike in Brawl Stars or Colt in Brawl Stars.
Unpopular opinion: 2.6 hog cycle isn’t op, it’s just skillful
Agreed. My years long original deck is a hard counter for Hog 2.6. Bowler, Cannon, Tornado, Ice Wizard. I have three more back-up cards that also go against it. Hog 2.6 players adapt quickly and still find ways to poach damage from my towers. Always fun matches, nothing but …
[Strategy] HOG RIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 2.6 Hog Cycle Guide!
2017年2月21日 · The key is also getting damage in by punishing with Hog every time they have hands that are terrible on defense, which is inevitable with "double win condition" decks like LavaLoon. i.e. a hand like 2 spells + LavaLoon, or 2 spells + Loon + Skarmy and then you throw a prediction Log because you should know that it's the only defensive option in ...
Hog 2.6 : r/ClashRoyale - Reddit
2022年12月15日 · If you played against a same deck for 30 times and see it counter your stupid megaknight deck (and you realise everyone plays the same stupid megaknight decks) and your friends suggest you to play 2.6 and show you how they beat stupid megaknight decks, you will start playing 2.6 lol. I went into straight 23 lose streak after started playing hog ...
69+ pg long 2.6 Hog Cycle Guide + matchups : r/ClashRoyale
2019年12月2日 · There’s millions of ways a single match of Clash Royale could play out, i think you’re doing great man. There definitely isn’t anything in existence as in depth and detailed as this guide for ANY DECK non the less 2.6 hog rider. Linking videos of top tier 2.6 players is a …
2.6 Hog - Defense so clean you get a WOW from the opponent
2.6 is a scummy deck. It’s fucking frustrating how they can just get away with brain dead plays. Golem takes more skill than hog. Idk about defence but offence definitely. U have to know when to take damage and where to put shit behind tank or ways to break through. 2.6 just goes IcE gOleM HoG rIDeR 🥴
2.6 vs log bait : r/ClashRoyale - Reddit
2020年11月5日 · Play the hog at the bridge, but as soon as you deploy the hog deploy the musk on the same tile. The musk will go in front of the hog and will get pushed very quickly and can lock onto your opponent's tower and can get tons of damage. Again, I'm not a 2.6 player so I covered everything I know from a log bait player's point of view.