Anyone know about these Hohner "Steinburger" B2A V Basses?
2013年4月23日 · the bridge. The B2A comes with a standard 4-string headless bridge licensed by Steinberger. The HOHNER B2A Headless Bass gives you a powerful sound with plenty of punch, grunt and bottom end! Colors: Black (BK) – lefthand model available! B2AV The HOHNER B2AV-WS is a headless 5-string bass in the classy walnut stain with active electronics.
Hohner B2A..any good? - TalkBass.com
2008年2月12日 · I've seen a B2A fretless in a store going cheap and I was thinking of picking it up as a knock about bass to save carrying my Jaco Jazz around all the time. I've been busy at work so I haven't had time to try it out yet. Just wondered if anyone has used one and if you think its worth picking up...
Why is the Hohner B2 more expensive than the Steinberger?
2019年10月21日 · I used to own a Hohner B2A and was looking to buy one, as I truly miss this bass. But weirdly enough I am now thinking about looking for a Steinberger as it seems that the copy is more expensive than the original. Is this normal? …
Hohner B2A . Steinberger spirit - TalkBass.com
2000年8月16日 · The quality control differences between it and the Spirit are like night and day. I don't know about other B2A's out there, but mine balances nicely. In my opinion, the Hohner is the best mass produced headless/bodyless bass on the market today. I even prefer the Hohner over the Synapse, because at least it has adjustable intonation.
Hohner b2a - TalkBass.com
2018年1月4日 · Hello, I've recently bought a hohner b2a headless bass to find that it has a drop d tuning switch? Im just wondering if that's standard or of mines is unique?
Steinberger XL2 vs Hohner B2 - TalkBass.com
2007年2月23日 · The Hohner B2A (active) was my first bass. Largely because what I really wanted was a Steinberger but couldn't afford it. I don't know what distinguishes EMG "Select" (Hohner) from regular EMGs but I think it's safe to say the main difference is in the composition of the body and neck. The Hohner simply won't sound like a Steinberger. I enjoyed learning on the bass and it was certainly a ...
Hohner Headless Bass - Do you know the history? - TalkBass.com
2021年11月19日 · Just purchased an active black B2A Hohner headless bass guitar. I've played a stock rosewood board USA Fender Precision for some time. The Hohner is fantasic. Easier to play as it is light and small and a very, very good sound. You can't replace the growl of a Precision though. Anyway, does anyone know anything about the history of these bass ...
Trying to repair a Hohner B2A - TalkBass.com
2008年2月5日 · My Hohner B2A is in real trouble. :( When I bought it second-hand for about 200 USD, I was warned the truss rod was a bit stiff, but the action was pretty normal at the time of purchase. The pickups it came with were original EMG-HBs as were used in the True Headless (Steinberger XL-2) and the...
strings for a Hohner B2A - TalkBass.com
2003年4月17日 · I have a hohner B2A (surprisingly) and want to change the strings. Its still got the ones it came with - like 2 years old. There just standard roundwounds as far as i can tell. A good deal of GHS Fast Fret that a friend lent me has helped keep them alive - speeds them up without brightening them...
Hohner B2A question - TalkBass.com
2015年4月21日 · Attached are all I have- applies to B2A, The Jack, JJ, BBass (IV- VI), HRB Deluxe, poss more. In My HRB Deluxe, it works like new, The B Bass VI pre didn't work (was poorly-kept pawn shop find) but the body was near new cond, so I installed an Aguilar OBP-3 PP and kept the pre bypass- Had to add a stacked knob B/T control, tho.