Bokoen1 on Twitter: "The ghost army you can deploy with spies in …
2020年3月4日 · “The ghost army you can deploy with spies in the new @HOI_Game DLC is honestly a pretty good feature for multiplayer games. It's very effective at confusing your enemies.”
Hearts of Iron | BY BLOOD ALONE - OUT NOW! on Twitter
2019年3月26日 · @HOI_Game Ohio’s cargo was particularly valuable as it was thousands of pounds of fuel, vital for the Spitfires and Submarines based on Malta. Because of this, she was bombed again and again, after an initial torpedo strike from the Italian submarine Axum.
Hearts of Iron on Twitter
2018年7月9日 · “Incase you weren’t aware: supply flows directly from your capital to each part of your (hopefully) vast land holdings! That means exclaves of your land often need good ports to allow the supply to get them from the capital. But what if …
Hearts of Iron on Twitter
2019年5月30日 · Search query Search Twitter. Saved searches. Remove; In this conversation
Hearts of Iron on Twitter
2022年10月13日 · Generals! The challenge continues today as a team of our Dev team are *t̷o̷r̷t̷u̷r̷e̷d̷* tasked with playing Aussa! https:// pdxint.at/Twitch
Hearts of Iron on Twitter
2018年4月16日 · “Have any of you managed the Sun Tzu reborn achievement? For this goliath you will need to play as one of the Chinese nations and level a field marshal all the way up to level 9! Get ready for some serious warring because that is what will be required to pull this off!”
Hearts of Iron on Twitter: "Can anyone's HOI4 playtime top this?…
2019年4月10日 · Search query Search Twitter. Saved searches. Remove; In this conversation
Hearts of Iron on Twitter
2019年4月1日 · “In addition to the new extreme weather effects that will be present on the battlefield, we are also introducing the ability to Man the Guns on your ships even more directly, for full immersion.”
The Hearts of Iron 4 World Cup is coming - Twitter
2022年12月17日 · “The Hearts of Iron 4 World Cup is coming @HOI_Game”
Hearts of Iron on Twitter: "A Nice and Quiet Trip? https://t.co ...
2022年8月17日 · “A Nice and Quiet Trip?”