秒懂数仓的今生:DW和OLAP到底是啥?(下篇) | 人人都是产品 …
2021年10月27日 · DW数据仓库是一种数据库,其设计使得分析数据更容易(通常使用来自多个来源的数据)。 它通常由事实表和维度表组成,并且通常由聚合表组成。 OLAP是一组操作可以对数据集进行操作,例如旋转,切片,切割,钻孔。 例如,可以使用Excel数据透视表执行OLAP操作。 所以从本质上来说,两者并不等价,从包含关系上来说,DW包含了OLAP这种操作,OLAP也是DW数仓中的重要一环。 如果再直白一点表达这两部分差异,DW数据仓库是一个日常管理和 …
managing a Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) or Distributed Multidimensional Data environment. The HOLAP component of the SAS/MDDB® Server software enables you to include SAS Multidimensional databases (MDDB), SAS files, and relational (RDBMS) databases into a single, powerful OLAP reporting environment. Support for HOLAP
Doris (HOLAP),实时数据仓库的王者。 - CSDN博客
2021年5月17日 · OLAP系统按照其存储器的数据存储格式可以分为关系OLAP(RelationalOLAP,简称ROLAP)、多维OLAP(MultidimensionalOLAP,简称MOLAP)和混合型OLAP(HybridOLAP,简称HOLAP)三种类型。
A data warehouse (DW) is an integrated repository of data for supporting decision-making applications of an enterprise. The most widely cited definition of a DW is from Inmon [3] who states that “a data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, nonvolatile, and time-variant collection of data in support of management’s decisions.”
关于OLAP数仓,这大概是史上最全面的总结!(万字干货)-腾讯 …
2020年7月2日 · 根据维基百科对olap的介绍,一般来说olap根据建模方式可分为molap、rolap和holap 3种类型,下面分别进行介绍并分析优缺点。 1、MOLAP 这应该算是最传统的数仓了,1993年Edgar F. Codd提出OLAP概念时,指的就是MOLAP数仓,M即表示多维(Multidimensional)。
HOLAP: Hybrid OLAP - College of Computing & Informatics
Hybrid On-Line Analytic Processing (HOLAP) is a mixture of MOLAP and ROLAP technologies. For summary type query, HOLAP leverages cube technology for faster performance. When detail information is needed, it can drill through from the cube into the underlying relational database.
DW - Rolap Molap Holap | PDF | Information Retrieval
The document discusses data warehouse architecture and online analytical processing (OLAP). It describes three main approaches to OLAP servers: relational OLAP (ROLAP), multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), and hybrid OLAP (HOLAP). ROLAP uses a relational database to store and manage warehouse data, with OLAP middleware to support additional ...
“OLAP”你也许听说过不少,但是你真的了解它吗? - 知乎
OLAP按存储器的数据存储格式分为ROLAP、MOLAP和HOLAP。 MOLAP(Multi-dimensional OLAP)以多维数组模型存储数据,它的特点是数据需要预计算(pre-computaion),然后把预计算之后的结果(cube)存在多维数组里。因为cube包含所有维度的聚合结果,所以查询速度非常快。
DW Overview: Data Warehouse Architecture - College of …
Data in data warehouses and data marts are stored and managed by one or more data warehouse servers. The data warehouse servers present multidimensional views of data to a variety of front end tools, including analysis tools, query/reporting tools, and data mining tools.
Microsoft Business Intelligence (Data Tools)|DW - Hybrid OLAP …
2016年7月26日 · HOLAP technologies attempt to combine the advantages of MOLAP and ROLAP. For summary-type information, HOLAP leverages cube technology for faster performance. When detail information is needed, HOLAP can "drill through" from the cube into the underlying relational data.