QUANTIFOIL Holey Carbon Supports for Cryo-EM | Quantifoil
QUANTIFOIL ® Holey Carbon supports are a flat film of carbon, 10-12 nm thick, on a cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) grid. They provide a low-background sample support ideal for high-resolution cryo-EM data collection.
Our Range of Grids | Quantifoil
The growing product portfolio encompasses UltrAuFoil ® Holey Gold supports for high-throughput, high-resolution SPA, robust supports with larger open viewing areas for FIB-milling and tomography, and finder grids for CLEM and other integrative methods.
C-Flat Holey Carbon and Gold Grids for Cryo-TEM
An ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated support grid for TEM. Manufactured without plastics, it is clean and without residue. Ultra-flat for better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness.
Holey carbon films on copper grids - Agar Scientific Ltd
Holey carbon films have holes of various sizes. In addition to providing support, the increased image contrast in the regions of the holes compared to regions of film is also of benefit. Typical applications include biological and materials science and cryo-TEM. Supplied as 25 or 50 grids in a …
Quantifoil Holey Carbon Grids | SPI Supplies
Quantifoil is a perforated support foil with a precisely pre-defined hole size, shape, and arrangement.
C-flat™ Holey Carbon Grids for Cryo-TEM - Copper Only
C-flat™ is an ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated TEM support grid for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Unlike competing holey carbon films, C-flat™ is manufactured without plastics, so it is clean upon arrival and the user has no residue to contend with.
Quantifoil TEM Substrate grids - Ted Pella
Support Grids or Substrates for Transmission Electron Microscopy. Quantifoil ® Holey Carbon Film is a perforated support foil with a p re-defined hole size, shape and arrangement. They are offered with circular and square, orthogonally arranged holes. The film is mounted on a standard Ø3mm Cu, Au, or Ni TEM grid with 200, 300 or 400 mesh.
Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 Micromachined Holey Carbon Grids, Copper, …
Try the Quantifoil Holey Grid Sampler Kit for an economical price, try out and evaluate which grid pattern is the best for your work and then order with greater confidence the larger grid packs of 100 coated grids.
超平有孔碳支持膜C-flat™ (Holey Carbon Grids for TEM)
C-flat™是最适于低温透射电镜(cryo-TEM)用的一种新款多孔碳支持膜。 C-flat™ 具有超平的表面;有孔的碳膜被覆在透射电镜专用的铜网上。 C-flat™采用整体制造工艺,到达客户手中的产品保证整洁,无任何多余的碳膜渣残留。 特性: 专利技术制造,超平的碳膜可使待观察颗粒分散更均匀,为冰层厚度均匀打下良好的基础。 膜上的花样孔采用深紫外光刻印制技术,确保了孔大小的精确(精确至微米级别);同时确保了孔型的连续性,精细的制造技术完全消除了多余的碳和 …
QUANTIFOIL® Holey Carbon Grids for Cryo TEM - emsdiasum.com
The Quantifoil holey films are available on standard, stock grid meshes – 200, 300, 400 and 100 x 400 mesh – in Au, Ni, Cu and Rh plated Cu. Special orders are also possible with other grid construction and meshes. The Quantifoil S 7/2 pattern also available for …