Home - Since 1997 | Holy Hip Hop...Taking The Gospel To The …
Rapid Fire Ministries is one of the most innovative & grounded Christian Hip Hop ministries of today in the Holy Hip Hop music genre. Innovative in that its platform and deliverance of the gospel message reaches beyond the walls of the church and into the youth culture as a whole.
The Holy Hip Hop DataBASE - The ultimate online Christian …
The Holy Hip Hop DataBASE - The ultimate Christian Hiphop Resource [ switch to browse mode ] Select artist .rod laver 1 Way 116 Clique 12th Tribe 1773 2 Edge Sword 202 29th Chapter, The 2Edge 2Five Tha Hood Reverend 3 Sons of Thunder 3 The God Way 3D Remedy 3NP 4JLife 4th Avenue Jones 4th Man, The 7-9 Click 7th Poet 7vnseal A-1 S.W.I.F.T.
Top 200 Holy Hip Hop Artists - Admin - Christian Hip Hop
Los Angeles/Atlanta/New York (April 4, 2018) – ChristianHipHop.com announced its Official List of Top 200 Holy Hip Hop Pioneers and Ministers of the Gospel over the past 20+ years (1996-2018) advancing the Holy Hip Hop Genre of music worldwide, as follows:
Holy Hip-Hop/Christian Rap - Timeline of African American Music
As a musical practice used to articulate both a spiritual and social conception of self, holy hip-hop features biblically informed and Christ-centered lyrics over hard-hitting hip-hop beats. Squarely planted in the sound world of hip-hop, holy hip-hop is as diverse as its secular counterpart, displaying stylistic features associated with the ...
Top 250 Holy Hip Hop Songs
Los Angeles/Atlanta/New York (April 26, 2018) –ChristianHipHop.com announced its Official List of Top 250 Holy Hip Hop Songs, From Ministers of the Gospel over the past 20+ years (1996-2018), that are enlightening the community, changing the paradigm and steadily elevating the Holy Hip Hop Genre of music ministry (a/k/a - christian hip hop ...
Vevo Holy Hip-Hop - YouTube
Beats, Bars and Worship. Glorifying God through Hip-Hip music. These are latest and greatest music videos from the best Christian Rap artists. For more Gospe...
Christian hip-hop - Wikipedia
Christian hip-hop (originally gospel rap, also known as Christian rap, gospel hip-hop or holy hip-hop) is a cross-genre of contemporary Christian music and hip-hop. It emerged from urban contemporary music and Christian media in the United States during the 1980s.
Home - Holy Hiphop
| ABOUT HOLY HIP-HOP NATION. We are the Holy Hip-Hop Nation, and we understand that music was created for God but was hijacked by the devil. Read More |
The History of Christian Hip Hop & Christian Rap - Holy Culture
2009年1月22日 · Because it was an emerging subculture with very little historical documentation there is actually some debate as to how and where holy hip hop got its start. At the very least, we know it first became public in the early to mid 80’s, mainly in Nashville, TN (Christian music’s capital) and through the Los Angeles underground.
Artists | Holy Hip Hop...Taking The Gospel To The Streets...Since …
Rapid Fire Ministries is one of the most innovative & grounded Christian Hip Hop ministries of today in the Holy Hip Hop music genre. Innovative in that its platform and deliverance of the gospel message reaches beyond the walls of the church and into the youth culture as a whole.