Build a Home with Co-op: The Roxboro Plan
Currently, there are 47 Co-op Home and Cottage Plans available — with 27 plans for homes and multi-dwellings ranging from 1,000 square feet to more than 3,000 square feet, 11 cottages, and nine garages and sheds.
CBSM - Community residential services
2023年6月12日 · Community residential setting (CRS): A licensed residential setting that serves adults and where the license holder does not reside. This setting typically uses a shift-staff model of support (i.e., paid staff work shifts on a 24-hour basis).
CRS: Building Safe, Dignified Homes and Communities
2024年10月15日 · As a part of its Vision 2030 agency strategy, CRS has undertaken a transformational shift from a focus on shelter and settlement—the building of roofs and walls—to homes and communities, the foundation on which life rests.
CRS 2030 Strategic Goal Area - Homes and Community Platform
2020年1月30日 · As part of its new agency vision and strategy for 2030, CRS is committed to expanding its comprehensive shelter solutions and global influence to enable families and communities to recover from crisis, and flourish in safe, dignified homes and communities. When a crisis strikes, lives are upturned.
Emergency Temporary Housing
CRS offers secure, compassionate emergency temporary housing within 60 minutes, nationwide, 24/7/365—over 36 years of experience helping families rebuild their lives.
CRS Homes and Communities Strategic Change Platform: FY20-22 …
2023年9月14日 · In this update, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) shares a dynamic report on its efforts since 2020, when it launched a commitment to re-design its emergency shelter programming so as to focus on safe homes and communities — and looking at home as the entry-point for comprehensive support to help people rebuild their lives. You'll read about ...
Community Residential Homes - Homeward Bound, Inc.
Community Residential Settings (CRS) may also be referred to as Adult Foster Care (AFC), Supported Living Services (SLS), or waivered services group homes. In these settings, individuals are provided with support, training, and personalized care in a licensed residential setting.
Build a Home with Co-op: Planning Made Easy
In conjunction with CADvantage Design, Co-op offers customizable floor plans, providing layouts ranging from traditional to modern and contemporary. Head into your local Co-op Home Centre to modify an existing plan, finalize drawings and create a material package that’s right for you.
All | Co-op Home
Explore ideas, tools, and inspiration for home improvement projects at Co-op Home.
Appropriations Status Table: FY2025 - Congress.gov
House and Senate 302(b) reports: S. Rept. 118-190, S. Rept. 118-197, S. Rept. 118-203 CRS Reports: CRS R48214, Overview of Continuing Appropriations for FY2025 (Division A of P.L. 118-83) CRS R48176, FY2025 Appropriations Status In Brief CRS IN12433, The Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) in FY2025: Current Status