omee-polone, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 109: homi-polone (Brit gay sl, fr Parlyaree // It uomo = man + polone = woman) man taking the passive role in anal investigations. 1999 M. Coward in Verbatim 24:2 n.p.:
homi-polone, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
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polone-omee, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
polone-omee n. also palone-omee, palone-omi, polone-homi. a lesbian, opposite of omee-polone n.
霍米巴巴 - 豆瓣读书
霍米.巴巴(Homi K. Bhabha)是後殖民理論的主要代表性人物之一,現任哈佛大學安.羅森博格英美文學與語言講座教授。 1990年出版由他主編的《民族與敘事》(Nation and Narration),1993年出版個人論文集《文化的定位》(The Location of Culture)。
Definition of homi-polone - Community Dictionary
homi-polone - In Parlyaree, based on the Italian uomo = man and polone = woman , a man who assumes the passive role in anal copulation . See sodomite for synonyms.
Definition of poloni-homi - Community Dictionary
poloni-homi - Obsolete polari slang for a <a href="lesbian">lesbian</a>.
Cultural Hybridity: Homi Bhabha's 'The Location of Culture' (1994)
Homi K. Bhabha proposes the interstitial space of cultural encounter in which the colonizer and the colonized negotiate, producing hybridity in culture. This type of culture subverts colonial domination by deconstructing essentialist identity and binary opposition of the colonizer and colonized or the East and the West.
Imagologie littéraire de Daniel-Henri PAGEAUX - Academia.edu
Partindo de uma reflexão sobre o (neo)nacionalismo como formação discursiva (Calhoun), revisitamos o programa de investigação delineado por José Murilo de Carvalho em "Nação imaginária: memórias, mitos e heróis" , reconfigurando-o à luz de …
Homi K. Bhabha’s Philosophy: Hybridity, Cultural Identity, and ...
2023年6月23日 · Homi K. Bhabha (1949-) is an Indian-born postcolonial theorist and cultural critic who has made significant contributions to the field of postcolonial studies. Bhabha's philosophy explores the complex dynamics of cultural identity, hybridity, and the intersections of power, race, and colonialism.
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