Honda 150 VTEC Outboard: Q&A on Flush Port and Falling Off
Customer: I have a 2005 Honda BF 150 VTEC...and the flush port fell off into the water at the marina. Where can I buy a replacement? Where can I buy a replacement? Answered by Jeff …
Honda BF 150 Outboard Problems: Q&A Forum & Reviews
Investigating tech bulletin for 2006 Honda BF 150 that has surging around 3600-400 rpm forums indicate that an issue Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: investigating tech bulletin for 2006 …
I have a 2006 Honda Vtec 150 that has always ran great
Customer: I have a 2006 Honda Vtec 150 that has always ran great until yesterday. Cannot get above 1000 RPM while under power. Going pretty slow and occasionally will jump up to speed …
Honda 150 VTEC Outboard: Troubleshooting Q&A | JustAnswer
I have a 150 vtec outboard hand no start I crossed switch terminal to battery terminal on starter engine started seems
Honda BF150 Outboard: Q&A on Parts Diagram, Problems, and
I have a honda bf150 Idles rough and cut out when revs drop back to idle . It has no power and hold it at full throttle runs for 10 seconds and starts to buzz and goes into limo mode. I have …
Hi - I just boat a 1986 Whaler Outrage with a 2004 Honda 150…
I have twin 150 Honda 4 strokes since 2004. Launched the boat and the port engine tach will run true the all the sudden increase rpm's by(NNN) NNN-NNNNwith the engine running steady. …
Honda BF150 Surging at 3000 RPM? Expert Troubleshooting …
Customer: I have a Honda BF150 that is surging at around 3000 rpm. When I set the throttle to 3000 rpm it fluctuates from 27000 - 3300 rpm. It is the starboard engine on a twin engine setup …
I have a 2006 honda 150 outboard---as i turn ignition key to start ...
Customer: i have a 2006 honda 150 outboard---as i turn ignition key to start motor, my starter emits a very fast clicking sound and my volt meter goes form 14 down to 0---the needle at my …
Honda - Find Boat Questions from December 2014 Page 1
2014年12月1日 · i have honda 225 outboard stalls after 2000 rpm: 12/24/2014 I have a 150 vtec outboard hand no start I crossed switch terminal: 12/29/2014 I have a 50 horse Honda …
Honda BF150: Common Symptoms & Replacement of Blown Head …
Hi, my engine is a 2006 Honda BF150 4 stroke outboard. I noticed when running it on freshwater at home that it was rather rough. I diagnosed this to be the no. 3 cylinder (from top) not firing …