1965 Honda CA95 Benly Touring 150 - Motorcycle Forum
2012年12月1日 · On September 30, 2011, I bought a really rough, 1965 Honda CA95 Benly Touring 150 to restore. The bike had 6149 miles on the clock and was last run in 1983...
1965 Honda Benly CA95 - Motorcycle Forum
2013年7月18日 · I acquired a 1965 Honda Benly 150cc this week, and I'm looking to restore it over the course of the next six to twelve months. I had no intentions to buy my own motorcycle for a long time, but when I saw this bike, i knew it was meant to be. I will be posting pictures of the motorcycle tonight...
CA 95 Dream Touring 150 Restoration - Motorcycle Forum
2010年10月14日 · Watch the stuff for awhile before buying as prices are all over the place seems like.Search honda dream, honda c95, dream 150, honda 150, dream c95. I know it's redundant but some people list differently.
1965 Honda ca95 benly - Motorcycle Forum
2025年2月16日 · Have a nice 65 benly that I have got to run at idle but will only rev on choke and the throttle valve operates as it should. Any ideas I am not a big mechanic was a gift from my brother.
1964 Honda 150 Dream -Barn Find - Motorcycle Forum
2018年12月17日 · A friend of mine recently passed and I need to deal with his 1966 Honda Dream 150 C95. It hasn't been driven for at least 35 years. It is also in the back of a wood shed, so I haven't got a picture of it yet due to other stuff in front of it. I do know it doesn't have a windshield What did you finally decide to do with yours?
65 Honda Benly CA95 150 floods instantly. - Motorcycle Forum
2020年4月26日 · First,I would like to thank in advance anyone who provides advice to me on this.The attempt to find somebody...Anybody who knows anything about these bikes has been more frustrating than the issues with the bike.When you go to your local Honda shop to get a float bowl gasket and the guy behind...
Honda ct90 - Motorcycle Forum
2024年10月25日 · A forum community discussing all bikes from Harley Davidson to Honda, Suzuki, KTM, Yamaha, and BMW. Come join the discussion about performance modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more!
Honda CBR 1000RR 2008 - Motorcycle Forum
2025年2月10日 · Hey everyone, I have a Honda motorcycle that I really love, but there's one issue it's restricted by a built in speed limiter. Once it reaches a certain speed, it won’t go any faster. Unfortunately, there are no official Honda dealerships in my country where I can get it reprogrammed. So, I was wondering if there are any experts here who can help me remove or adjust the speed limit. I’d ...
1987 Honda Hurricane 1000 - Motorcycle Forum
2025年2月9日 · I've cleaned carbs.rmoved fpump. Went thru all wiring. Still have issues with starting and idle. Any input is appreciated. I goqt the qbiqke forq 100 dollars. It has 10,000 miles on it. Im very new to this. Could use some insight. Thanks
Honda cbr 1000 f - Motorcycle Forum
2025年2月10日 · Hello I have a Honda cbr 1000 f charging issue If replaced the rectifier and still nothing help what can be wrong?