Honda S2000 - Wikipedia
The Honda S2000 is a front-mid engine open top sports car that was manufactured by Japanese automobile manufacturer Honda, from 1999 until 2009. First shown as a concept car called the SSM at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1995, the production version was launched on April 15, 1999, to celebrate the company's 50th anniversary.
Used Honda S2000 for Sale Near Me - CARFAX
We have 176 Honda S2000s for sale with Free CARFAX Reports including Base and other trims. 94 Honda S2000s are reported accident free and 17 are One-Owner cars.
Used Honda S2000 for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus
Browse the best March 2025 deals on Honda S2000 vehicles for sale. Save $8,472 this March on a Honda S2000 on CarGurus.
本田S2000 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
S2000是縱置式前中置引擎、後輪驅動的佈局,搭配六前速手動变速箱及托森式限滑差速器,使用了雙橫臂獨立懸掛的懸掛布局,配備電動助力轉向,16寸轮毂搭配普利司通Potenza S-02轮胎。引擎安裝在前軸,加上鋁制引擎蓋使其獲得较为平衡的50:50的重量比,以達到 ...
Used Honda S2000 for Sale Near Me - Autotrader
Test drive Used Honda S2000 at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 166 Used Honda S2000 cars for sale, including a 2000 Honda S2000, a 2001 Honda S2000, and a 2002 Honda S2000 ranging in price from $6,000 to $67,490.
本田S2000 - 百度百科
新S2000采用了新风格的合金轮圈,双5辐式设计,从16英寸增至17英寸更添运动感,轮胎采用 普利司通 Potenza以获取最佳抓地力。用215/45 R17替换以前的205/55 R16前胎,用245/40 R17替换以前225/50 R17的后胎。
本田魂—S2000!初级篇,S2000分类及区别! - 知乎专栏
这次,我打算先总结一下s2000的分类和各个时间段下的区别,那么就开始吧! s2000发售——停产日期:1999年5月-2009年6月,其中经历了一次大改款,改款前的车架号为 ap1 ,改款后的车架号为 ap2 。接下来我就分开讲一下这里边有什么不同。
Tested: 2004 Honda S2000 - Car and Driver
There's a revised S2000 coming their way as a 2004 model, and it features a ton of improvements designed to neutralize the few criticisms we had about the old car. Honda S2000 Tested and...
【本田S2000参数配置】_本田S2000参数配置表大全_购车价格-汽 …
Honda S2000 For Sale - Carsforsale.com
Find 137 used Honda S2000 as low as $23,900 on Carsforsale.com®. Shop millions of cars from over 22,500 dealers and find the perfect car.