Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence? - Middle East Forum
2009年3月1日 · Families that kill for honor will threaten girls and women if they refuse to cover their hair, their faces, or their bodies or act as their family’s domestic servant; wear makeup or …
Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings - Middle East Forum
2010年3月1日 · In 2004, at a meeting in The Hague about the rising tide of honor killings in Europe, law enforcement officers from the U.K. announced plans to begin reopening old cases …
Czy morderstwa dla honoru to po prostu przemoc domowa?
2009年3月1日 · Wikan, The Honor Culture. Daniel Pipes Which Has More Islamist Terrorism, Europe Or America?, “The Jerusalem Post”, 3 lipca 2008. Combating Patriarchal Violence …
Dad’s Arrest Exposes Support Network Behind Alleged Honor Killers
2020年9月11日 · Yaser Abdel Said, accused of honor killing his two teenage daughters, Amina and Sarah, escaped arrest for 12 years with alleged help from sympathetic relatives. The FBI …
"Celebrating" Orientalism - Middle East Forum
2016年10月28日 · Hence, honor-shame cultures have immense difficulty tolerating freedom of speech, of religion, of press, and an equally hard time dealing with societies that do. In self …
Meanwhile, in Tehran - Middle East Forum
2024年8月12日 · All claims of abandonment of sovereignty and national honor will be directed at President Pezeshkian, and Khamenei will hover over the criticism. The ultra-extremists, for …
I Delitti d'Onore sono semplicemente Violenza domestica?
2009年3月1日 · Fra il 1989 e il 2004, 21'124 donne sono morte per mano di un intimo; 8'997 uomini sono morti per violenza domestica nello stesso periodo. [13] Poiché il Dipartimento di …
Does Islam Justify Honor Killings? - Middle East Forum
2008年9月27日 · Honor killings are justified as a necessary part of culture in other Muslim countries such as Jordan, which is technically a secular kingdom with a representative …
Światowe trendy zabójstw honorowych - Middle East Forum
2009年12月29日 · Phyllis Chesler, “ Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence?” “ Middle East Quarterly” , S pring 2009, pp. 61-9. [6] Zgodnie z współczynnikiem korelacji liniowej Pearsona, …
“Allah Will Not Change the Condition of a People” - Middle East …
2024年12月9日 · He suggests that in the process of globalization, when speed of communications shrinks the world and compresses the boundaries of traditional societies, the old meaning of …