Atomic structure of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite doped …
2001年11月1日 · The boron-doped HOPG was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XRD, and scanning probe techniques. The XPS measurement shows the slight shift of the C 1s peak to the lower binding energy, which is indicative of the C–B bond formation and the lowered density of π electron in the graphite planes.
HOPG (Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite) - HQ graphene
The single crystal HOPG is characterized using: XRD: single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction (D8 Venture Bruker and D8 Advance Bruker) EDX: Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for stoichiometric analysis Raman: 785 nm Raman system
XRD pattern for (a) as prepared HOPG, (b) HOPG after
Highly orientated pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) offers greater advantages in terms of... A facile and general approach was developed to exfoliate layer materials to produce two-dimensional atomic...
List of HOPG and manufactured polycrystalline graphite grades selected for XRD and SANS measurements. ...................................................................................................................... 4
Crystal structure of graphite under room-temperature …
2012年7月19日 · In this study, we investigate the behavior of highly-ordered pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) up to ~50 GPa at room temperature using a variety of techniques including in-situ synchrotron XRD, optical...
XRD pattern of HOPG (open circle) and B-doped HOPG (closed …
In order to reveal the effect of the boron doping on the HOPG structure, several experimental tools were employed such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD),...
高定向热解石墨HOPG - jcno.net
高定向热解石墨(highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, HOPG)是一种结晶构造良好、择优取向性极强、石墨化程度很高的“晶体”石墨。 因其具有良好的碳原子结构,在科研、仪器制造、工业生产中作为标准样品、关键部件等得到了广泛应用。
Shocked HOPG XRD results. (A) Single-pulse XRD pattern for ambient HOPG ...
(A) Single-pulse XRD pattern for ambient HOPG (red spots are from diffraction simulations). Because the x-rays are in the horizontal plane and the HOPG has a fiber texture, the diffraction...
基于高定向热解石墨晶体(highly oriented pyrolitic graphite, HOPG)研制了一种新型反射式X射线谱 仪. 该谱仪具有高反射效率、较高能谱分辨率及相对较宽的能谱测量范围.
Microcalorimetry and XRD study of HOPG-LiC6 reactivity with organic electrolytes M. Holzapfel, F. Alloin and R. Yazami LEPMI, INPG-CNRS 5631. BP 75, 38402 St Martin d’Hères, France In previous studies [1], we showed that chemically lithiated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) of the LiC6 stage-1 composition reacts with organic